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Configure Firewall Rules

In this task, you configure network firewall rules to complete the integration of the Security Server into your network. You use Forefront TMG on the Security Server to publish existing workloads that users need to access from outside the Windows EBS network. Forefront TMG provides publishing wizards, such as the New Web Publishing Rule Wizard and the New Server Publishing Rule Wizard, to allow external users to access Web servers and other applications that are running in your network.


The Windows EBS Installation Wizard automatically published several network firewall rules, including those for Remote Web Workplace and Outlook Web Access. You can verify the network firewall rules for these workloads in Forefront TMG.

To configure network firewall rules

  1. In the Configuration and Migration Tasks checklist, click Configure firewall rules, and then click Start Forefront TMG Console. The Forefront TMG console starts.

  2. In the console tree, click Firewall Policy.

    • To publish a workload (such as a Web site), click one of the tasks in the tasks pane.
    • To review the properties of an existing firewall or publishing rule, double-click it in the results pane.

For more information about configuring network firewall rules, see Forefront TMG Help: On the Security Server, in the Forefront TMG console, press F1.