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Components Page

The Components page on the Security tab is where you can view the status of the security components (also known as security adapters) that are installed in Windows EBS:

  • E-mail anti-malware

  • E-mail anti-spam

  • Network firewall

  • Update Management

For more information about the security components in Windows EBS, see the Microsoft Web site (


The Components page also displays add-in security components (published by Microsoft or non-Microsoft developers) that you have installed.

Page layout

Item Details

Results pane

Lists the security components that are installed in Windows EBS.


By default, components are grouped by status.

Details pane

For the security component that is selected in the results pane, shows a detailed description of the component, the number and type of alerts, and recent protection statistics.


The status of the Update Management component is refreshed daily. However, the component monitors synchronizations and updates that occurred during the preceding seven days. It may not reflect the status of updates on computers and devices that recently joined the domain.

Tasks pane

General tasks related to security components. For more information, see the Components Tasks section later in this document.

Administration and management tasks for the security component that is selected in the results pane. For more information, see the <Security Component> Tasks section later in this document.

Additional information

  • When a component has a Critical Alert, the icon for the page tab changes.

  • By default, components with Critical Alerts appear first in the results pane.

Working with the data

  • To refresh the page: On the View menu, click Refresh.

  • To group the objects in the results pane: On the View menu, click Group By, and then click a field name. To ungroup the objects, on the View menu, click Group By, and then click Ungroup.

  • To sort the objects in the results pane: On the View menu, click Sort By, and then click a field name. Alternatively, click a column heading in the results pane and sort the objects in a field.

  • To customize the arrangement of data in the results pane: On the View menu, click Customize Results View. Then in the Customize the Results View dialog box, select and rearrange the columns.

  • To save the data in the results pane: On the File menu, click Save As CSV.

  • To display a task menu: Right-click an object in the results pane. To start a task, click the task name in the menu.

  • To start the primary task associated with an object: Double-click the object in the results pane.

Components tasks

Task Details

Start Remote Web Workplace

Starts a Web browser at the URL for Remote Web Workplace.

<Security Component> tasks

E-mail anti-malware tasks

Task Details

View recent alerts

Starts the System Center Essentials console to display active alerts from the last seven days for the component.

Restore default e-mail anti-malware settings

Opens the Restore Default E-Mail Anti-Malware Settings dialog box to confirm that settings will be reset using default Windows EBS settings.

Start Forefront Server Security Administrator console

Starts a RemoteApp connection to the Forefront Server Security Administrator console on the Messaging Server to manage e-mail anti-malware settings.

Renew subscription

Opens the Web site with information about how to renew your anti-malware subscription for Forefront Security for Exchange Server.

E-mail anti-spam tasks

Task Details

View recent alerts

Starts the System Center Essentials console to display active alerts from the last seven days for the component.

Restore default e-mail anti-spam settings

Opens the Restore Default E-Mail Anti-Spam Settings dialog box to confirm that settings will be reset using default Windows EBS settings.

Check Sender ID configuration

Starts the Sender ID Framework SPF Record Wizard on the Microsoft Web site (

Start Exchange Management Console

Starts a RemoteApp connection to the Exchange Management Console on the Security Server to manage e-mail anti-spam settings.

Network firewall tasks

Task Details

View recent alerts

Starts the System Center Essentials console to display active alerts from the last seven days for the component.

Save network firewall settings

Opens a dialog box to save the current network firewall settings as an XML file.

Apply saved settings

Opens a dialog box to open and apply an XML file that contains network firewall settings.

Restore default network firewall settings

Opens the Restore Default Network Firewall Settings dialog box to confirm that settings will be reset using default Windows EBS settings.

Create policy rules for accessing the Internet

Starts the Web Access Policy Wizard in Forefront TMG.

Publish Web sites

Starts the New Web Publishing Rule Wizard in Forefront TMG.

Create a server publishing rule

Starts the New Server Publishing Rule Wizard in Forefront TMG.

Create a site-to-site VPN connection

Starts the Create Site-to-Site Connection Wizard in Forefront TMG.

View weekly report

Generates and displays a weekly report of network firewall activity in Forefront TMG.

Start Forefront Threat Management Gateway console

Starts a RemoteApp connection to the Forefront TMG console on the Security Server to manage network firewall settings.

Renew subscription

Opens the Web site with information about how to renew your network firewall subscription for Forefront TMG.

Update Management tasks

Task Details

Approve updates

Opens the Approve Updates dialog box to approve all critical and security updates for deployment to managed computers.

Apply Recommended Update Management settings

Opens the Apply Recommended Update Management Settings dialog box to confirm that settings will reset using the recommended Windows EBS settings. The recommended settings configures Update Management to automatically download updates to the Windows operating system and other Microsoft products, and then apply those updates to computers in the Active Directory domain by using Windows Server Update Services.

Manage updates

Starts the System Center Essentials console to manage updates.

Configure update-management settings

Starts the Update Management Configuration Wizard in System Center Essentials.

View updates status summary

Starts the System Center Essentials console to display a summary of updates on managed computers.