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Copy the files

Scripts that are used by GPOs and the tools and files that these scripts use should be stored in SYSVOL so that they are still available when a server is down (redundancy). Storing the scripts and files in SYSVOL also allows you to change your scripts so that all references to files are independent from any computer (for example, \\domainname\SYSVOL instead of \\servername\share).

This makes future migrations automatic. However, because increasing the amount of data stored in SYSVOL increases replication time and replication network bandwidth usage, do not use SYSVOL to store unnecessary files or as a generic file replication repository. If your scripts use a set of files that are larger than 50 MB, it is recommended that you store your scripts in SYSVOL and store the set of files that the scripts use in a shared folder on your Windows EBS Management Server.

Scripts that are used by user objects must be stored in \\domainname\NETLOGON. If they are not located there, you should copy them there now. The tools and files that these scripts use should be stored in SYSVOL (unless they are very large).

To determine if the scripts that are referenced by GPOs and user objects are already stored in SYSVOL and NETLOGON, look at the name of the file shares. If they contain the words SYSVOL or NETLOGON, your scripts are stored in the right place, and you can advance to Update the scripts later in this document.

Follow these steps to copy the scripts, tools, and files. If you are not sure what tools and files your scripts use, proceed with what you know and come back to this section if you need to copy another tool or file that your scripts reference.


Do not move the scripts, tools, and files—copy them.

Copying files smaller than 50 MB

If your set of scripts and the tools and files they use are smaller than around 50 MB, they can reside entirely in SYSVOL.

To copy your tools and files to SYSVOL

  1. Open Windows Explorer while logged in as domain administrator on the computer that has the scripts that you intend to copy.

  2. Copy all scripts that are referenced by GPOs from their current location (you determined and recorded this location earlier in this document) to \\domainname\SYSVOL\domainname\scripts. For example, if your domain were, you would copy the files to \\\SYSVOL\\scripts.

  3. Copy all scripts that are referenced by user objects from their current location to \\domainname\NETLOGON (or a folder under it), if the scripts are not already there.

  4. If your scripts reference any external tools or files, create a subdirectory under \\domainname\SYSVOL\domainname\scripts, and then copy the tools and files there.

    Note where you copy these tools and files (you will use this information in the next section when you update the scripts with this new location).

Copying files larger than 50 MB

If your set of scripts and the tools and files they use are larger than 50 MB, store the scripts in SYSVOL, and then follow these steps to copy the large set of tools and files to a new shared folder on the Windows EBS Management Server.

To copy a large set of tools and files to the Management Server

  1. Log on to the Windows EBS Management Server as a domain administrator.

  2. Open Windows Explorer.

  3. Create a new folder on the system drive to hold the tools and files. Do not create the folder under the Users folder on your system hard drive. An acceptable location would be to create a folder called Fileshares with a subfolder called Scriptfiles.

  4. Right-click your Scriptfiles subfolder, and then click Share. The File Sharing Wizard appears.

  5. In the drop-down list, click Find. The Select Users and Groups dialog box appears.

  6. Type the group name Authenticated Users, and then click OK.

  7. Set the permission level for Authenticated Users to Reader.

  8. Click Share, and then click Done.

  9. Copy the files that your scripts use from their current location (you determined and recorded this location earlier in this document) to the folder that you created.