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How to Answer Questions in the Decision Flowchart

The following information can help you if you are unsure how to answer a question in the decision flowchart presented in Migration Requirements earlier in this document.

It is recommended that you read Background Information earlier in this document to familiarize yourself with the DHCP Server service before you try to answer these questions.

Did you have the DHCP Server service present in your environment prior to installing Windows Essential Business Server?

Answer the question in the decision flowchart Yes if:

  • A page in the Management Server Installation Wizard asked you to choose to use your existing DHCP Server service or start the DHCP Server service for Windows EBS.

  • You open a Command Prompt window on an existing computer (not a server running Windows EBS) in your environment, type ipconfig /all, and then see DHCP server in the command output.

  • You set up a new computer system and configure its network settings, and you choose the option Obtain an IP address automatically.

Answer the question in the decision flowchart No if:

  • You specified a static IP address and subnet mask for each computer in your environment.

Did you choose to use your existing DHCP Server service or the DHCP Server service for Windows Essential Business Server?

To find which DHCP Server service option you chose

  1. Log on to the Management Server as domain administrator.

  2. To open the DHCP console, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click DHCP.

Answer the question in the decision flowchart as follows:

  • If you cannot expand DHCP, you chose to use your existing DHCP Server service.

  • If you can expand the top-level DHCP node, and you see at least one scope (for example, Scope [] …), you chose to use the DHCP Server service for Windows EBS.

Do you have custom settings on your existing DHCP server?

The following steps assume that your DHCP server is running Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008.

If you are not running Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008, open the console that you use to manage your DHCP server and look to see if you have reserved IP addresses by MAC address or if you have changed other custom settings.

To search for custom settings on your current DHCP server

  1. Log on to your existing DHCP server as domain administrator.

  2. To open the DHCP console, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click DHCP.

  3. In the left pane, expand the node for your DHCP server name.

  4. In the left pane, expand the node for each scope, and then check for custom settings as follows:

    1. Click Reservations. If you see reservations listed in the right pane, you have custom settings on your existing DHCP server.

    2. Click Scope Options. If you see any items (except Router and DNS Servers) listed in the right pane, you have custom settings on your existing DHCP server.

    3. Click Server Options. If you see any items (except Router and DNS Servers) listed in the right pane, you have custom settings on your existing DHCP server.