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Upgrading to VMM 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 from VMM 2008 R2

Aplica-se a: Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 SP1

This topic provides step-by-step instructions for upgrading to System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1) from VMM 2008 R2 while retaining your previous VMM data. For information about how to perform a new installation of VMM 2008 R2 SP1, see New Installation of VMM (


  • You can only upgrade to VMM 2008 R2 SP1 from an existing VMM 2008 R2 installation. Upgrading to VMM 2008 R2 SP1 from VMM 2007 or VMM 2008 is not supported.

  • You must install the service pack on the VMM server and on instances of the VMM Administrator Console or the VMM Self-Service Portal that will communicate with the upgraded VMM server. If you do not upgrade the Administrator Console or Self-Service Portal components, they cannot connect to the upgraded VMM server.

Use the following procedure to upgrade from VMM 2008 R2 to VMM 2008 R2 SP1. Para concluir esse procedimento, você deve ter as credenciais administrativas apropriadas.


Você pode encontrar o Pacote de Gerenciamento do Sistema Operacional Windows Server no Catálogo do System Center Operations Manager 2008 (

Instalando o Pacote de Gerenciamento


Before you begin this procedure, we strongly recommend that you make a full backup of the VMM 2008 R2 database. Após instalar o ISA Server, você pode configurar a diretiva do sistema. You must have a full backup of the VMM 2008 R2 database to revert to VMM 2008 R2. (Para maiores informações, consulte a Observação importante mais adiante neste tópico).

System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2

  1. Log on to the VMM server that is running VMM 2008 R2.

  2. On the product media or the location where you saved the Setup files, right-click Setup.exe, and then click Run as administrator.


    If you set up a network share to install VMM components, you should apply the appropriate security to the share to ensure that no unauthorized or unauthenticated users can access or alter the contents of the share.

  3. On the Setup menu, click VMM Server to open the Upgrade System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 wizard.

  4. Avançado — aceite os padrões e clique em Avançar.

  5. On the Confirmation page, verify the list of VMM components that are already installed on this computer. To upgrade all installed VMM components, click Upgrade.

  6. On the SQL Server Credentials page, provide credentials that have permission to access and update the VMM database by doing one of the following:

    1. Selecione a Interop Provider que você deseja instalar e clique em Avançar.

    2. To provide a different set of credentials, select the Use the following credentials check box, type the credentials, and then click Next.


      If any jobs are running when you started the upgrade, you will receive a warning message. Você pode selecionar uma das opções a seguir:

      • Click Cancel to cancel the wizard, wait for the jobs to complete, and then run the upgrade wizard again.

      • Clique em OK na caixa de diálogo de aviso seguinte. VMM will cancel the jobs that are running.

      We recommend that you let all jobs complete before upgrading the VMM server. Jobs that are canceled during the upgrade cannot be restarted after the upgrade is completed.

  7. Em seguida, clique em Fechar.

  8. Run the Upgrade System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 wizard to upgrade instances of the VMM Administrator Console and the VMM Self-Service Portal on any other computers that will communicate with the upgraded VMM server.

  9. After upgrading VMM, all hosts and library servers must be refreshed to show the correct status. To perform a manual host refresh, in the upgraded Administrator Console, in Hosts view, select one or more hosts, and then, in the Actions pane, click Refresh. You can check the status of the host refresh in Jobs view.

  10. If the host agent is version 2.0.4275.0 or newer it is up-to-date and will show a status of OK. In this case, you do not have to update the agent. If the agent is older, after a host has been refreshed, it will have a status of Needs Attention, except for the VMM server if it is also serving as a host. This is because the stand-alone hosts still have the previous version of the VMM agent installed. These hosts are fully functional, so you do not have to immediately update the agents on all hosts.


    So that performance is not adversely affected, it is recommended that you update hosts in batches of 10 to 25.

  11. To update the hosts, in the VMM Administrator Console, in Hosts view, select one or more hosts with a status of Needs Attention, and then in the Actions pane, click Update Agent.

    You can check the status of the agent update in Jobs view. Quando a lista estiver completa, clique no botão Importar.


    If you have integrated System Center Operations Manager 2007 with VMM, you need to update that separately. Para obter mais informações sobre o Operations Manager 2007, consulte

  12. No painel Modos de Exibição de Segurança do Servidor - Quarentena, selecione um ou mais itens e, em seguida, na seção Ações clique em Excluir Itens Selecionados. If you do not perform a manual refresh, the default library refresh interval is 1 hour. You can check the status of library refreshes in Jobs view.

  13. After the library refresh, in the VMM Administrator Console, navigate to Administration view, and then click Managed Computers.

  14. Select one or more computers that have a role of Library and an agent status of Upgrade Available, and then, in the Actions pane, click Update Agent.

    When the update is complete, all stand-alone library servers will have a version status of Up-to-date. For a highly available library server, the version status of each cluster node is updated after the next library refresh.

  15. After upgrading VMM, update Operations Manager integration, if necessary. Para obter mais informações sobre o Operations Manager 2007, consulte

Removing the Service Pack

Após instalar o ISA Server, você pode configurar a diretiva do sistema. To remove the service pack and revert to VMM 2008 R2, you must uninstall the upgraded VMM components, restore the original VMM 2008 R2 database, and then reinstall VMM 2008 R2. Therefore, you must have a backup of the original VMM 2008 R2 database to complete this procedure.


As a result of this procedure, all changes that were made to the database after you installed VMM 2008 R2 SP1 are lost.

To remove the service pack and revert to VMM 2008 R2

  1. In Control Panel, click Programs and Features (available in small or large icons view), select Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 Server (x64), and then click Uninstall.

  2. Na página Manutenção do Programa, selecione Remover e clique em Avançar.

  3. Na página Pronto para Instalar, clique em Instalar.

  4. In Programs and Features, remove any other VMM 2008 R2 SP1 components such as the Administrator Console and the Self-Service Portal.

  5. Quando terminar, clique em OK.

  6. In SQL Server, restore the database to the previous version.

  7. Windows Server 2008 R2 When you do this, on the SQL Server Settings page, make sure that you specify the restored database in the Select or enter a database box. You must also reinstall any additional components such as the Administrator Console and the Self-Service Portal.

Consulte Também


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Supported Operating Systems for VMM Components