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Applies To: System Center 2016 - Service Provider Foundation, System Center Technical Preview


Gets statistics for resources based on the specified tenant.

HTTP Verbs

Yes No No No


Gets the statistics for the specified tenant.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
ID Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the tenant.
Clouds Edm.Int32 No The number of clouds that the tenant can access.
ServiceDeployments Edm.Int32 No The number of deployed services owned by the tenant.
ServiceDeploymentsNotRunning Edm.Int32 No The number of tenant services that are not running.
ServiceDeploymentsRequiringAttention Edm.Int32 No The number of services that require attention. Services that require attention have one of the following states:

- NeedsAttention
- DeploymentFailed
- ServicingFailed
- RemediationRequired
ServiceVMs Edm.Int32 No The number of VMs that belong to a service and are owned by the tenant.
VMsNotRunning Edm.Int32 No The number of VMs that are not running.
VMsRequiringAttention Edm.Int32 No The number of VMs that require attention. VMs that require attention include those with one of the following states:

- VMsRequiringAttention
- CreationFailed
- CustomizationFailed
- UpdateFailed
- MigrationFailed
- CheckpointFailed
- Missing
- HostNotResponding
- Unsupported
- IncompleteVMConfig
- UnsupportedSharedFiles
- UnsupportedCluster
- P2VCreationFailed
- V2VCreationFailed
- TemplateCreationFailed

See Also

VMM Collections Reference R2