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UserRole Members

Represents the user role.

The following tables list the members exposed by the UserRole type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  UserRole Overloaded. Initializes a new UserRole object.


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property static ActivityImplementersUserRoleId Gets the ID for the service manager activity implementers user role.
public property static AdministratorsUserRoleId Gets the ID for the administrators user role.
public property static AdvancedOperatorsUserRoleId Gets the ID for the advanced operators user role.
public property static AuthorsUserRoleId Gets the ID for the authors user role.
public property static ChangeInitiatorsUserRoleId Gets the ID for the service manager change initiators user role.
public property static ChangeManagersUserRoleId Gets the ID for the change managers user role.
public property Description Gets or sets the description of the user role.
public property DisplayName Gets or sets the display name of the user role.
public property static EndUsersUserRoleId Gets the ID for the service manager end users user role.
public property Id Gets or sets the ID of the user role.
public property ImpliedInstanceId Gets the ID of the implied instance.
public property static IncidentResolversUserRoleId Gets the ID for the service manager incident resolvers user role.
public property IsScopeFixed Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the scope of the user role is fixed and cannot be altered.
public property IsSystem Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this is a system user role.
public property LastModified Gets the last modified time.
public property LastModifiedBy Gets the last modified by user.
public property ManagementGroup  Gets the management group that the object is in. (inherited from MonitoringBase)
public property ManagementGroupId  Gets the unique identifier of the management group that owns this object. (inherited from MonitoringBase)
public property Name Gets or sets the name of the user role.
public property static OperationsManagerAdministratorsUserRoleId This property is now obsolete. Please use AdministratorsUserRoleId instead. Obsolete.
public property static OperationsManagerAdvancedOperatorsUserRoleId This property is now obsolete. Please use AdvancedOperatorsUserRoleId instead. Obsolete.
public property static OperationsManagerAuthorsUserRoleId This property is now obsolete. Please use AuthorsUserRoleId instead. Obsolete.
public property static OperationsManagerOperatorsUserRoleId This property is now obsolete. Please use OperatorsUserRoleId instead. Obsolete.
public property static OperationsManagerReadOnlyOperatorsUserRoleId This property is now obsolete. Please use ReadOnlyOperatorsUserRoleId instead. Obsolete.
public property static OperationsManagerReportOperatorsUserRoleId This property is now obsolete. Please use ReportOperatorsUserRoleId instead. Obsolete.
public property static OperationsManagerReportSecurityAdministratorsUserRoleId This property is now obsolete. Please use ReportSecurityAdministratorsUserRoleId instead. Obsolete.
public property static OperatorsUserRoleId Gets the ID for the operators user role.
public property static ProblemAnalystsUserRoleId Gets the ID for the problem analysts user role.
public property Profile Gets or sets the profile assigned to the user role.
public property ProfileDisplayName Gets the display name of the profile.
public property static ReadOnlyOperatorsUserRoleId Gets the ID for the read-only operators user role.
public property static ReportOperatorsUserRoleId Gets the ID for the report operators user role.
public property static ReportSecurityAdministratorsUserRoleId Gets the ID for the report security administrators user role.
public property static ReportUsersUserRoleId Gets the ID for the report users user role.
public property Scope Gets or sets the scope of the user role.
public property ScopeId Gets the scope ID.
public property Users Gets or sets the users assigned to the user role.
public property static WorkflowsUserRoleId Gets the ID for the workflows user role.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Equals Overloaded. Overridden.  
public method GetHashCode Overridden. Gets the hash code for this object.
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method Reconnect Overridden. Reconnects to a management group object after this object has been disconnected.
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
public method ToString  Returns the relevant display string for the object. (inherited from MonitoringBase)
public method Update Updates this user role.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


See Also


UserRole Class
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Security Namespace