Name (Command Interface)
Observação |
Esse recurso será removido na próxima versão do Microsoft SQL Server. Não utilize esse recurso em desenvolvimentos novos e modifique, assim que possível, os aplicativos que atualmente o utilizam. |
The Name property of the Command interface contains the name of a command object. This property is the primary mechanism for identifying individual command objects.
Applies To:clsCubeCommand, clsDatabaseCommand, clsRoleCommand
Data Type
Read/write (read-only after the object has been named)
Within a cube, each command must have a unique name. For more information about naming conventions for Decision Support Objects (DSO) objects, see Considerations For Naming Decision Support Objects.
Use the following code to print a command object's name in the immediate window:
'Assume a command object (dsoCmd) exists.
debug.print dsoCmd.Name