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Levels Collection


  Esse recurso será removido na próxima versão do Microsoft SQL Server. Não utilize esse recurso em desenvolvimentos novos e modifique, assim que possível, os aplicativos que atualmente o utilizam.

The Levels collection holds the level definitions for a Decision Support Objects (DSO) object. Each of the following objects contains a Levels collection:

  • clsDatabaseDimension

  • clsCubeDimension

  • clsPartitionDimension

  • clsAggregationDimension

Each Levels collection contains level objects of the same class type. The ContainedClassType property of a Levels collection specifies the class type of the contained objects.


As with other collections in the DSO object model, the AddNew, Find, and Remove methods of Levels collections maintain all necessary parent-child relationships among the objects in the object model.