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Classe Hierarchy

Represents a dimension hierarchy contained by a dimension or set.

Hierarquia de herança

System. . :: . .Object

Namespace:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient
Assembly:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient (em Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class Hierarchy
Dim instance As Hierarchy
public sealed class Hierarchy
public ref class Hierarchy sealed
type Hierarchy =  class end
public final class Hierarchy

O tipo Hierarchy expõe os membros a seguir.


  Nome Descrição
Propriedade pública Caption Gets the caption of the Hierarchy.
Propriedade pública DefaultMember Gets the unique name of the default member for the Hierarchy.
Propriedade pública Description Gets the description of the Hierarchy.
Propriedade pública DisplayFolder This member is reserved for future use.
Propriedade pública HierarchyOrigin Gets the hierarchy type of the Hierarchy.
Propriedade pública Levels Gets a LevelCollection that contains the levels of the Hierarchy.
Propriedade pública Name Gets the name of the Hierarchy.
Propriedade pública ParentDimension Gets a Dimension that contains the Hierarchy.
Propriedade pública Properties Gets a PropertyCollection that contains the properties associated with the Hierarchy.
Propriedade pública UniqueName Gets the unique name of the Hierarchy.



  Nome Descrição
Método público Equals Determines whether two instances of Hierarchy are equal. (Substitui Object. . :: . .Equals(Object).)
Método protegido Finalize (Herdado de Object.)
Método público GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type, for use in hashing algorithms and data structures such as hash tables. (Substitui Object. . :: . .GetHashCode() () () ().)
Método público GetType (Herdado de Object.)
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Herdado de Object.)
Método público ToString Returns a String that represents the current Hierarchy. (Substitui Object. . :: . .ToString() () () ().)



  Nome Descrição
Operador públicoMembro estático Equality Determines whether two specified instances of Hierarchy are equal.
Operador públicoMembro estático Inequality Determines whether two specified instances of Hierarchy have different values.



A hierarchy represents a set of members and their positions relative to one another. From the top of the pyramidal structure to the bottom, the members are progressively more detailed. User hierarchies are defined to represent a hierarchy that has meaning to the user or application.

In ADOMD.NET, the Hierarchy can represent both parent-child hierarchies and user hierarchies. The HierarchyOrigin property is used to differentiate between the hierarchy structures.

Segurança de thread

Qualquer membro público static (Shared no Visual Basic) desse tipo é seguro para threads. Não há garantia de que qualquer membro de instância seja seguro para threads.