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Método Find

Gets the specified MiningServiceParameter from the MiningServiceParameterCollection collection by its name.

Namespace:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient
Assembly:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient (em Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll)


Public Function Find ( _
    index As String _
) As MiningServiceParameter
Dim instance As MiningServiceParameterCollection
Dim index As String
Dim returnValue As MiningServiceParameter

returnValue = instance.Find(index)
public MiningServiceParameter Find(
    string index
MiningServiceParameter^ Find(
    String^ index
member Find : 
        index:string -> MiningServiceParameter 
public function Find(
    index : String
) : MiningServiceParameter


Valor de retorno

Tipo: Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient. . :: . .MiningServiceParameter
The MiningServiceParameter with the index name. nullNothingnullptrunituma referência nula (Nothing no Visual Basic) if the object is not found.


If the object is not found, the Find method returns null Nothing nullptr unit uma referência nula (Nothing no Visual Basic) , whereas the Item property throws an exception.