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Querying the SQL Server System Catalog FAQ

This topic contains a list of frequently asked questions. The answers to these questions are queries that are based on catalog views.

Frequently Asked Questions

The sections below list frequently asked questions by category.

Data Types

  • How do I find the data types of the columns of a specified table?
  • How do I find the LOB data types of a specified table?
  • How do I find the columns that depend on a specified data type?
  • How do I find the computed columns that depend on a specified CLR user-defined type or alias data type?
  • How do I find the parameters that depend on a specified CLR user-defined type or alias type?
  • How do I find the CHECK constraints that depend on a specified CLR user-defined type?
  • How do I find the views, Transact-SQL functions, and Transact-SQL stored procedures that depend on a specified CLR user-defined type or alias type?

Tables, Indexes, and Constraints

  • How do I find all the user-defined tables in a specified database?
  • How do I find all the tables that do not have a clustered index in a specified database?
  • How do I find all the tables that do not have an index?
  • How do I find all the tables that do not have a primary key?
  • How do I find all the tables that have an identity column?
  • How do I find all the tables and indexes that are partitioned?
  • How do I find all views in a database?
  • How do I find all the entities that have been modified in the last N days?
  • How do I find the columns of a primary key for a specified table?
  • How do I find the columns of a foreign key for a specified table?
  • How do I determine if a column is used in a computed column expression?
  • How do I find all the columns that are used in a computed column expression?
  • How do I find all the constraints for a specified table?
  • How do I find all the indexes for a specified table?
  • How do I find all the tables that have a specified column name?
  • How do I find all the statistics on a specified object?
  • How do I find all the statistics and statistics columns on a specified object?

Modules (Stored Procedures, User-Defined Functions, and Triggers)

  • How do I find all the stored procedures in a database?
  • How do I find all the user-defined functions in a database?
  • How do I find the parameters for a specified stored procedure or function?
  • How do I find the dependencies on a specified function?
  • How do I view the definition of a module?
  • How do I view the definition of a server-level trigger?

Schemas, Users, Roles, and Permissions

  • How do I find all the owners of entities contained in a specified schema?
  • How do I find the permissions granted or denied to a specified principal?


How do I find all the tables that do not have a clustered index in a specified database?

Before you run the following queries, replace <database_name> with a valid database name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) AS schema_name, AS table_name
FROM sys.tables AS t
     SELECT * FROM sys.indexes AS i
     WHERE i.object_id = t.object_id
     AND i.type = 1  -- or type_desc = 'CLUSTERED'
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;

Or, you can use the OBJECTPROPERTY function as shown in the following example.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name, name AS table_name
FROM sys.tables 
WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id,'TableHasClustIndex') = 0
ORDER BY schema_id, name;


How do I find all the owners of entities contained in a specified schema?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <schema_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT 'OBJECT' AS entity_type
    ,USER_NAME(OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'OwnerId')) AS owner_name
FROM sys.objects WHERE SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) = '<schema_name>'
SELECT 'TYPE' AS entity_type
    ,USER_NAME(TYPEPROPERTY(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) + '.' + name, 'OwnerId')) AS owner_name
FROM sys.types WHERE SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) = '<schema_name>' 
    ,COALESCE(USER_NAME(xsc.principal_id),USER_NAME(s.principal_id)) AS owner_name
FROM sys.xml_schema_collections AS xsc JOIN sys.schemas AS s
    ON s.schema_id = xsc.schema_id
WHERE = '<schema_name>';


How do I find all the tables that do not have a primary key?

Before you run the following queries, replace <database_name> with a valid database name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) AS schema_name
    , AS table_name
FROM sys.tables t 
WHERE object_id NOT IN 
    SELECT parent_object_id 
    FROM sys.key_constraints 
    WHERE type_desc = 'PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT' -- or type = 'PK'

Or, you can run the following query.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
    ,name AS table_name 
FROM sys.tables 
WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id,'TableHasPrimaryKey') = 0
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;


How do I find all the tables that do not have an index?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid database name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
    ,name AS table_name
FROM sys.tables 
WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id,'IsIndexed') = 0
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;


How do I find all the tables that have an identity column?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid database name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
    , AS table_name
    , AS column_name
FROM sys.tables AS t
JOIN sys.identity_columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;

Or, you can run the following query.


This query does not return the name of the columns.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
    ,name AS table_name 
FROM sys.tables 
WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id,'TableHasIdentity') = 1
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;


How do I find the data types of the columns of a specified table?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <schema_name.table_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT AS column_name
    ,SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) AS type_schema
    , AS type_name
FROM sys.columns AS c 
JOIN sys.types AS t ON c.user_type_id=t.user_type_id
WHERE c.object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.table_name>')
ORDER BY c.column_id;


How do I find the dependencies on a specified function?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <schema_name.function_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS referencing_object_name
    ,COALESCE(COL_NAME(object_id, column_id), '(n/a)') AS referencing_column_name
FROM sys.sql_dependencies
WHERE referenced_major_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.function_name>')
ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(object_id), COL_NAME(object_id, column_id);


How do I find all the stored procedures in a database?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT name AS procedure_name 
    ,SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
FROM sys.procedures;


How do I find the parameters for a specified stored procedure or function?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <schema_name.object_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
    , AS object_name
    , AS parameter_name
    ,TYPE_NAME(p.user_type_id) AS parameter_type
FROM sys.objects AS o
INNER JOIN sys.parameters AS p ON o.object_id = p.object_id
WHERE o.object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.object_name>')
ORDER BY schema_name, o.object_name, p.parameter_id;


How do I find all the user-defined functions in a database?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid database name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT name AS function_name 
  ,SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
FROM sys.objects
WHERE type_desc LIKE '%FUNCTION%';


How do I find all views in a database?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid database name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT name AS view_name 
  ,SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
  ,OBJECTPROPERTYEX(object_id,'IsIndexed') AS IsIndexed
  ,OBJECTPROPERTYEX(object_id,'IsIndexable') AS IsIndexable
FROM sys.views;


How do I find all the entities that have been modified in the last N days?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <n_days> with valid values.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT name AS object_name 
  ,SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
FROM sys.objects
WHERE modify_date > GETDATE() - <n_days>
ORDER BY modify_date;


How do I find the LOB data types of a specified table?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <schema_name.table_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT name AS column_name 
    ,TYPE_NAME(user_type_id) AS type_name
       WHEN max_length = -1 AND TYPE_NAME(user_type_id) <> 'xml'
            THEN 1
            ELSE 0
     END AS [(max)]
FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id=OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.table_name>') 
    AND ( TYPE_NAME(user_type_id) IN ('xml','text', 'ntext','image')
         OR (TYPE_NAME(user_type_id) IN ('varchar','nvarchar','varbinary')
         AND max_length = -1)


How do I view the definition of a module?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <schema_name.object_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT definition
FROM sys.sql_modules
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.object_name>');

Or, you can use the OBJECT_DEFINITION function as shown in the following example.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT OBJECT_DEFINITION (OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.object_name>')) AS ObjectDefinition;


How do I view the definition of a server-level trigger?

SELECT definition
FROM sys.server_sql_modules;


How do I find the columns of a primary key for a specified table?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <schema_name.table_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT AS index_name
    , AS column_name
    ,TYPE_NAME(c.user_type_id)AS column_type 
FROM sys.indexes AS i
INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic 
    ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns AS c 
    ON ic.object_id = c.object_id AND c.column_id = ic.column_id
WHERE i.is_primary_key = 1 
    AND i.object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.table_name>');

Or, you can use the COL_NAME function as shown in the following example.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT AS index_name
    ,COL_NAME(ic.object_id,ic.column_id) AS column_name
FROM sys.indexes AS i
INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic 
    ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id
WHERE i.is_primary_key = 1 
    AND i.object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.table_name>');


How do I find the columns of a foreign key for a specified table?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <schema_name.table_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT AS foreign_key_name
   ,OBJECT_NAME(f.parent_object_id) AS table_name
   ,COL_NAME(fc.parent_object_id, fc.parent_column_id) AS constraint_column_name
   ,OBJECT_NAME (f.referenced_object_id) AS referenced_object
   ,COL_NAME(fc.referenced_object_id, fc.referenced_column_id) AS referenced_column_name
FROM sys.foreign_keys AS f
INNER JOIN sys.foreign_key_columns AS fc 
   ON f.object_id = fc.constraint_object_id 
WHERE f.parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.table_name>');


How do I find the permissions granted or denied to a specified principal?

The following example creates a function to return the name of the entity on which the permissions are checked. The function is invoked in the queries that follow. The function must be created in every database in which you want to check permissions.

-- Create a function to return the name of the entity on which the permissions are checked.
IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.entity_instance_name', N'FN') IS NOT NULL
    DROP FUNCTION dbo.entity_instance_name;
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.entity_instance_name(@class_desc nvarchar(60), @major_id int) 
RETURNS sysname AS
    DECLARE @the_entity_name sysname
    SELECT @the_entity_name = CASE
        WHEN @class_desc = 'DATABASE' THEN DB_NAME()
        WHEN @class_desc = 'SCHEMA' THEN SCHEMA_NAME(@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'OBJECT_OR_COLUMN' THEN OBJECT_NAME(@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'DATABASE_PRINCIPAL' THEN USER_NAME(@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'ASSEMBLY' THEN 
            (SELECT name FROM sys.assemblies WHERE assembly_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'TYPE' THEN TYPE_NAME(@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTION' THEN 
            (SELECT name FROM sys.xml_schema_collections
              WHERE xml_collection_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'MESSAGE_TYPE' THEN 
            (SELECT name FROM sys.service_message_types WHERE message_type_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'SERVICE_CONTRACT' THEN 
           (SELECT name FROM sys.service_contracts
              WHERE service_contract_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'SERVICE' THEN
          (SELECT name FROM WHERE service_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'REMOTE_SERVICE_BINDING' THEN
          (SELECT name FROM sys.remote_service_bindings
             WHERE remote_service_binding_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'ROUTE' THEN
          (SELECT name FROM sys.routes WHERE route_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'FULLTEXT_CATALOG' THEN
          (SELECT name FROM sys.fulltext_catalogs WHERE fulltext_catalog_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'SYMMETRIC_KEY' THEN
          (SELECT name FROM sys.symmetric_keys WHERE symmetric_key_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'CERTIFICATE' THEN
          (SELECT name FROM sys.certificates WHERE certificate_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'ASYMMETRIC_KEY' THEN
          (SELECT name FROM sys.asymmetric_keys WHERE asymmetric_key_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'SERVER' THEN 
             (SELECT name FROM sys.servers WHERE server_id=@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'SERVER_PRINCIPAL' THEN SUSER_NAME(@major_id)
        WHEN @class_desc = 'ENDPOINT' THEN 
             (SELECT name FROM sys.endpoints WHERE endpoint_id=@major_id)      
        ELSE '?'
    RETURN @the_entity_name
-- Return server-level permissions for the user.
SELECT class
    ,dbo.entity_instance_name(class_desc, major_id) AS entity_name 
    ,SUSER_NAME(grantee_principal_id) AS grantee
    ,SUSER_NAME(grantor_principal_id) AS grantor
FROM sys.server_permissions 
WHERE grantee_principal_id = SUSER_ID('public');
-- Return database-level permissions for the user.
SELECT class
    ,dbo.entity_instance_name(class_desc , major_id) AS entity_name 
    ,USER_NAME(grantee_principal_id) AS grantee
    ,USER_NAME(grantor_principal_id) AS grantor
FROM  sys.database_permissions 
WHERE grantee_principal_id = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('public');


How do I determine if a column is used in a computed column expression?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name>, <schema_name.table_name>, and <column_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS object_name
    ,COL_NAME(object_id, column_id) AS computed_column 
FROM sys.sql_dependencies
WHERE referenced_major_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.table_name>')
    AND referenced_minor_id = COLUMNPROPERTY(referenced_major_id, '<column_name>', 'ColumnId')
    AND class = 1;


How do I find all the columns that are used in a computed column expression?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(d.referenced_major_id) AS object_name
    ,COL_NAME(d.referenced_major_id, d.referenced_minor_id) AS column_name
    ,OBJECT_NAME(referenced_major_id) AS dependent_object_name 
    ,COL_NAME(d.object_id, d.column_id) AS dependent_computed_column
    ,cc.definition AS computed_column_definition
FROM sys.sql_dependencies AS d
JOIN sys.computed_columns AS cc 
    ON cc.object_id = d.object_id AND cc.column_id = d.column_id AND d.object_id=d.referenced_major_id     
WHERE d.class = 1
ORDER BY object_name, column_name;


How do I find the columns that depend on a specified CLR user-defined type or alias type?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name and <schema_name.data_type_name> with a valid, schema-qualified CLR user-defined type, or schema-qualified alias type name. The following query requires membership in the db_owner role or permissions to see all dependent column and computed column metadata in the database.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS object_name 
    , AS column_name 
    ,SCHEMA_NAME(t.schema_id) AS schema_name
    ,TYPE_NAME(c.user_type_id) AS user_type_name
FROM sys.columns AS c
INNER JOIN sys.types AS t ON c.user_type_id = t.user_type_id
WHERE c.user_type_id = TYPE_ID('<schema_name.data_type_name>'); 

The following query returns a restricted and narrow view of columns dependent on a CLR user-defined type or alias, but the result set is visible to the public role. You can use this query if you have granted REFERENCE permissions on your user-defined type to others and you do not have permission to view the metadata of the objects others have created that use the type.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS object_name 
    ,COL_NAME(object_id, column_id) AS column_name
    ,TYPE_NAME(user_type_id) AS user_type
FROM sys.column_type_usages
WHERE user_type_id = TYPE_ID('<schema_name.data_type_name>');


How do I find the computed columns that depend on a specified CLR user-defined type or alias type?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name and <schema_name.data_type_name> with a valid, schema-qualified CLR user-defined type, alias type name. For more information about computed column dependencies, see Understanding SQL Dependencies.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS object_name
    ,COL_NAME(object_id, column_id) AS column_name
FROM sys.sql_dependencies
WHERE referenced_major_id = TYPE_ID('<schema_name.data_type_name>')
    AND class = 2 -- schema-bound references to type
    AND OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'IsTable') = 1;   -- exclude non-table dependencies 


How do I find the parameters that depend on a specified CLR user-defined type or alias type?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name and <schema_name.data_type_name> with a valid, schema-qualified CLR user-defined type, alias type name. The following query requires membership in the db_owner role or permissions to see all dependent column and computed column metadata in the database.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS object_name
    ,NULL AS procedure_number
    ,name AS param_name
    ,parameter_id AS param_num
    ,TYPE_NAME(p.user_TYPE_ID) AS type_name
FROM sys.parameters AS p
WHERE p.user_TYPE_ID = TYPE_ID('<schema_name.data_type_name>')
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS object_name
    ,name AS param_name
    ,parameter_id AS param_num
    ,TYPE_NAME(p.user_TYPE_ID) AS type_name
FROM sys.numbered_procedure_parameters AS p
WHERE p.user_TYPE_ID = TYPE_ID('<schema_name.data_type_name>')
ORDER BY object_name, procedure_number, param_num;

The following query returns a restricted and narrow view of parameters that depend on a CLR user-defined type or alias, but the result set is visible to the public role. You can use this query if you have granted REFERENCE permissions on your user-defined type to others and you do not have permission to view the metadata of the objects others have created that use the type.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS object_name
    ,TYPE_NAME(user_type_id) AS type_name
FROM sys.parameter_type_usages 
WHERE user_type_id = TYPE_ID('<schema_name.data_type_name>');


How do I find the CHECK constraints that depend on a specified CLR user-defined type?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name and <schema_name.data_type_name> with a valid, schema-qualified CLR user-defined type name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) AS schema_name
    ,OBJECT_NAME(o.parent_object_id) AS table_name
    ,OBJECT_NAME(o.object_id) AS constraint_name
FROM sys.sql_dependencies AS d
JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = d.object_id
WHERE referenced_major_id = TYPE_ID('<schema_name.data_type_name>')
    AND class = 2 -- schema-bound references to type
    AND OBJECTPROPERTY(o.object_id, 'IsCheckCnst') = 1; -- exclude non-CHECK dependencies


How do I find the views, Transact-SQL functions, and Transact-SQL stored procedures that depend on a specified CLR user-defined type or alias type?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name and <schema_name.data_type_name> with a valid, schema-qualified CLR user-defined type, alias type name.

The parameters defined in a function or procedure are implicitly schema bound. Therefore, parameters that depend on a CLR user-defined type or alias type can be viewed by using the sys.sql_dependencies catalog view. Procedures and triggers are not schema bound. This means that dependencies between any expression defined in the body of the procedure or trigger and a CLR user-defined type or alias type is not maintained. Schema bound views and schema bound user-defined functions that have expressions that depend on a CLR user-defined type or alias type are maintained in the sys.sql_dependencies catalog view. Dependencies between types and CLR functions and CLR procedures are not maintained.

The following query returns all schema-bound dependencies in views, Transact-SQL functions, and Transact-SQL stored procedures for a specified CLR user-defined type or alias type.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) AS dependent_object_schema
  ,OBJECT_NAME(o.object_id) AS dependent_object_name
  ,o.type_desc AS dependent_object_type
  ,d.class_desc AS kind_of_dependency
  ,TYPE_NAME (d.referenced_major_id) AS type_name
FROM sys.sql_dependencies AS d 
JOIN sys.objects AS o
  ON d.object_id = o.object_id
  AND o.type IN ('FN','IF','TF', 'V', 'P')
WHERE d.class = 2 -- dependencies on types
  AND d.referenced_major_id = TYPE_ID('<schema_name.data_type_name>')
ORDER BY dependent_object_schema, dependent_object_name;


How do I find all the constraints for a specified table?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <schema_name.table_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) as constraint_name
    ,SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name
    ,OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) AS table_name
FROM sys.objects
    AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.table_name>');


How do I find all the indexes for a specified table?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <schema_name.table_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT AS index_name
    ,ds.type_desc AS filegroup_or_partition_scheme
    , AS filegroup_or_partition_scheme_name
FROM sys.indexes AS i
INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds ON i.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
WHERE is_hypothetical = 0 AND i.index_id <> 0 
AND i.object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.table_name>');


How do I find all the objects that have a specified column name?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> and <column_name> with valid names.

USE <database_name>;
FROM sys.columns
WHERE name = '<column_name>';


USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) AS schema_name 
    , AS object_name
FROM sys.objects AS o
INNER JOIN sys.columns AS c ON o.object_id = c.object_id
WHERE = '<column_name>';


How do I find all the user-defined tables in a specified database?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name.

USE <database_name>;
FROM sys.tables;


How do I find all the tables and indexes that are partitioned?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(o.schema_id) AS schema_name
    ,OBJECT_NAME(p.object_id) AS table_name
    , AS index_name
FROM sys.partitions AS p
INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i ON p.object_id = i.object_id AND p.index_id = i.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps ON i.data_space_id=ps.data_space_id
INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = i.object_id
ORDER BY index_name, partition_number;


How do I find all the statistics on a specified object?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name and <schema_name.object_name> with a valid table, indexed view, or table-valued function name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT name AS statistics_name
FROM sys.stats
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.object_name>');


How do I find all the statistics and statistics columns on a specified object?

Before you run the following query, replace <database_name> with a valid name and <schema_name.object_name> with a valid table, indexed view, or table-valued function name.

USE <database_name>;
SELECT AS statistics_name
    , AS column_name
FROM sys.stats AS s
INNER JOIN sys.stats_columns AS sc 
    ON s.object_id = sc.object_id AND s.stats_id = sc.stats_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns AS c 
    ON sc.object_id = c.object_id AND c.column_id = sc.column_id
WHERE s.object_id = OBJECT_ID('<schema_name.object_name>');


See Also


Troubleshooting Metadata Visibility


Querying the SQL Server System Catalog
Understanding SQL Dependencies
Metadata Visibility Configuration

Other Resources

Mapping SQL Server 2000 System Tables to SQL Server 2005 System Views

Help and Information

Getting SQL Server 2005 Assistance

Change History

Release History

17 July 2006

New content:
  • Added numerous examples.

14 April 2006

New content:
  • Added numerous examples.