Updating a Subscriber Device
Use the Update method of the SubscriberDevice class to modify existing subscriber device data in the Notification Services instance database. The examples below show how to update a subscriber device using managed code and using Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) to illustrate COM interop.
Managed Code Example
The following code example shows how to use a SubscriberDevice object in managed code to update a subscriber device.
string instanceName = "Tutorial";
// Create the NSInstance object.
NSInstance testInstance = new NSInstance(instanceName);
// Create the SubscriberDevice object.
SubscriberDevice testSubscriberDevice =
new SubscriberDevice(testInstance);
// Set the subscriber ID and device name
// so that the correct record is updated.
testSubscriberDevice.SubscriberId = "TestUser1";
testSubscriberDevice.DeviceName = "Work e-mail";
// Modify the subscriber device properties
// and update the record.
testSubscriberDevice.DeviceAddress = "stephanieb@adventure-works.com";
testSubscriberDevice.DeviceTypeName = "e-mail";
testSubscriberDevice.DeliveryChannelName = "FileChannel";
COM Interop Example
The following VBScript example shows how to use a SubscriberDevice object in unmanaged code to update a subscriber device:
Dim testInstance, testSubscriberDevice
const instanceName = "Tutorial"
' Create the NSInstance object.
set testInstance = _
WScript.CreateObject( _
testInstance.Initialize instanceName
' Create the SubscriberDevice object.
set testSubscriberDevice = _
WScript.CreateObject( _
testSubscriberDevice.Initialize (testInstance)
' Set the subscriber ID and device name
' so that the correct record is updated.
testSubscriberDevice.SubscriberId = "TestUser2"
testSubscriberDevice.DeviceName = "Work e-mail"
' Modify the subscriber device properties
' and update the record.
testSubscriberDevice.DeviceAddress = "davidb@adventure-works.com"
testSubscriberDevice.DeviceTypeName = "e-mail"
testSubscriberDevice.DeliveryChannelName = "FileChannel"
wscript.echo "Subscriber device updated."
See Also
Creating a SubscriberDevice Object
Adding a Subscriber Device
Deleting a Subscriber Device
Populating a Delivery Channel List