Model Designer Query Properties
This section discusses the collections and objects used in a semantic query for information purposes.
In This Section
Collection/Object | Properties | Description |
Name, Hierarchies, MeasureGroups, CalculatedAttributes, CalculatedEntities, Parameters, CustomProperties, EnableDrillthrough |
Defines a semantic query. |
Expression |
Defines a set of arguments for a function. |
AttributeID, AttributeName |
Defines an attribute reference node in a query expression tree. |
EntityID, EntityName |
Defines the primary entity for a Hierarchy or Measuregroup. |
Expression |
Contains a set of expressions that can be used throughout the query. |
Expression |
Contains a set of detailed expressions to include in the results of the query. |
EntityID, EntityName |
Defines an entity reference node in a query expression tree. |
Name, Path, ExpressionNode, CustomProperties |
Contains an expression, along with an optional path that can be used to reach the entity, over which to evaluate the expression. |
Defines a node in a query expression tree. |
Expression |
Contains the definition of a filter used in the query. |
FunctionName, Arguments |
Defines a function node in a query expression tree. |
Name, Expression, Sorting, Filter, Details |
Contains an expression by which to group data. |
Grouping |
Contains a set of groupings for a hierarchy. |
Hierarchy |
Defines the set of grouping hierarchies for a query. |
Name, BaseEntity, Filter, Groupings |
Defines a grouping hierarchy for a query. |
Value, Values, DataType |
Defines the literal node in a query expression tree. |
BaseEntity, HierarchyPaths, AutoHierarchyPaths, Measures, SubtotalSets |
Defines a set of related detail expressions to include in the results of the query. |
MeasureGroup |
Contains sets of detail expressions to include in the results of the query. |
Expression |
Contains the set of measure expressions in a measure group. |
Defines a null value node in a query expression tree. |
Name, DataType, Nullable, Cardinality, Expression |
Defines a parameter to the query. |
ParameterName |
Defines a parameter reference node in a query expression tree. |
Parameter |
Contains a set of parameters whose values can be used throughout the query. |
PathItem |
Defines the steps (typically roles) needed to be followed in order to reach an entity. |
RoleID, RoleName, Recursion |
Defines a role in a path. |
GroupingName |
Defines a set of groupings by which to calculate subtotals. |
MeasureName |
Defines a set of measures by which to calculate subtotals. |
SubtotalGroupings, SubtotalMeasures |
Defines a set of subtotals to calculate for measures in a measure group. |
SubtotalSet |
Defines sets of subtotals to calculate for measures in a measure group. |
Value |
Defines a set of literal values. |
See Also
Model Designer Object Properties
Ad Hoc Reporting with Report Models
Working with Report Builder (Ad Hoc Reports)
Working with Model Designer