: (Range) (MDX)
Performs a set operation that returns a naturally ordered set, with the two specified members as endpoints, and all members between the two specified members included as members of the set.
Member_Expression : Member_Expression
- Member_Expression
A valid Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression that returns a member.
Return Value
A set that contains the specified members and all members between the specified members.
Both parameters must specify members within the same level and hierarchy of a given dimension. If both parameters specify the same member, the : (Range) operator returns a set that contains just the specified member.
This set operator has no functional equivalent in MDX.
The following example demonstrates the use of this operator.
-- This query returns the freight cost per user
-- for products, averaged by month, for the first quarter.
With Member [Measures].[Freight Per Customer] as
[Measures].[Internet Freight Cost]
[Measures].[Customer Count]
{[Ship Date].[Calendar Month of Year].[January] :
[Ship Date].[Calendar Month of Year].[March]} ON 0,
[Product].[Category].[Category].Members ON 1
[Adventure Works]
([Measures].[Freight Per Customer])