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RowReadyEventArgs members

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Include inherited members

NOTE: This API is now obsolete.

Fornece o valor da linha atual de uma Web Part que implementa a interface de IRowProvider quando ocorre o evento RowReady .

The RowReadyEventArgs type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method RowReadyEventArgs Obsolete. Inicializa uma instância da classe RowReadyEventArgs .



  Name Description
Public property Rows Obsolete. Obtém ou define as linhas selecionadas ou atualizadas para enviar quando o evento RowReady ocorre em uma Web Part que implementa a interface IRowProvider .
Public property SelectionStatus Obsolete. Obtém ou define o tipo da linha selecionada.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


Ver também


RowReadyEventArgs class

Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication namespace