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Trabalho de timer do SharePoint para lidar com os trabalhos de análise diferentes. Uma instância dessa classe iniciará quaisquer instâncias registradas do AnalyticsJobBaseem uma base regular.

The AnalyticsJobDefinition type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AnalyticsJobDefinition() Cria uma instância dessa classe. Esse construtor é necessário para desserialização e usado para recriar um objeto SPPersistedObject com base em dados que já existem.
Public method AnalyticsJobDefinition(Guid, String, SearchService, SearchServiceApplication) Construtor para criar uma instância dessa classe. Esse construtor é usado para criar uma nova instância que herda de SPPersistedObject.



  Name Description
Public property Analyses Obtém uma lista de AnalyticsJobBase, que é a lista dos trabalhos de análise de marcas diferentes.
Public property CanRenameOnRestore (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property CanSelectForBackup (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property CanSelectForRestore (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property Description Obtém a descrição localizada da definição de trabalho como um String. (Overrides SPJobDefinition.Description.)
Public property DiskSizeRequired (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property DisplayName Obtém o nome localizado da definição de trabalho como um String. (Overrides SPJobDefinition.DisplayName.)
Public property EnableBackup (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property Farm (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property HistoryEntries (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property Id (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property IsDisabled (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property LastRunTime (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property LockType (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property Name (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Parent (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Properties (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Retry (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property Schedule (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property Server (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property Service (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property Status (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property Title (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property TypeName (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property UpgradedPersistedProperties (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public property VerboseTracingEnabled (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public property Version (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected property WasCreated (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public property WebApplication (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)



  Name Description
Public method AddBackupObjects (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public method Clone (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Delete (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Execute Inicia os trabalhos de marcas AnalyticsJobBase com base em sua programação configurada. Esse método é chamado em uma base regular. (Overrides SPJobDefinition.Execute(Guid).)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAnalysis Retorna uma determinada instância registrada desta classe herdar de AnalyticsJobBase.
Public method GetChild<T>() (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetChild<T>(String) (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method GetObjectData (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method HasAdditionalUpdateAccess (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method OnAbort (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public method OnBackup (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public method OnBackupComplete (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Protected method OnDeserialization (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method OnPostRestore (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public method OnPrepareBackup (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public method OnPreRestore (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public method OnRestore (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public method Provision (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method RunNow (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Uncache (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Unprovision (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Public method Update() (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Public method Update(Boolean) (Inherited from SPPersistedObject.)
Protected method UpdateParent (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)
Public method UpdateProgress (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)
Protected method Validate (Inherited from SPJobDefinition.)


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AnalyticsJobDefinition class

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Analytics namespace