Extend a Web application that uses Windows-classic authentication (SharePoint Foundation 2010)
Aplica-se a: SharePoint Foundation 2010
Tópico modificado em: 2016-11-30
This article describes how to extend a Web application that uses Windows-classic authentication.
If you want to use Windows-claims authentication instead, see Extend a Web application that uses Windows-claims authentication (SharePoint Foundation 2010).
Before you perform this procedure, confirm the following:
Your system is running Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010.
You already have a Web application to extend.
You have read Planejar métodos de autenticação (SharePoint Foundation 2010) and know which authentication method to use.
You have read about zones, anonymous access, and permissions.
If you have User Account Control (UAC) turned on in Windows, and you use Windows PowerShell to extend a Web application, you must right-click the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell and select Run as administrator.
You can extend a Web application that uses Windows-classic authentication by using Central Administration or Windows PowerShell. Use one of the following procedures to extend a Web application. You typically use Central Administration to extend a Web application. If you want to automate the task of extending a Web application, which is common in enterprises, use Windows PowerShell. After the procedure is complete, you will have two separate IIS Web sites that expose the same content to users.
To extend a Web application that uses Windows-classic authentication by using Central Administration
Verify that you have the following administrative credentials:
- To extend a Web application, you must be a member of the Farm Administrators SharePoint group and a member of the local Adminstrator group on the computer running Central Administration.
On the Central Administration Home page, in the Application Management section, click Manage web applications.
On the Web application page, select the Web application that you want to extend.
On the ribbon, click Extend.
On the Extend Web Application to Another IIS Web Site page, in the IIS Web Site section, you can configure the settings for your Web application by selecting one of the following two options:
Click Use an existing web site, and then select the Web site on which to extend your existing Web application.
Click Create a new IIS web site, and then type the name of the Web site in the Name box.
In the IIS Web Site section, in the Port box, type the port number you want to use to access the Web application. If you are creating a new Web site, this field is populated with a random port number. If you are using an existing Web site, this field is populated with the current port number.
The default port number for HTTP access is 80, and the default port number for HTTPS access is 443. If you want users to access the Web application without typing in a port number, they should use the appropriate default port number.
Optional: In the IIS Web Site section, in the Host Header box, type the host name (for example, www.contoso.com) you want to use to access the Web application.
In general, this field is not set unless you want to configure two or more IIS Web sites that share the same port number on the same server and DNS has been configured to point multiple server names to the same server.
In the IIS Web Site section, in the Path box, type the path to the site directory on the server. If you are creating a new Web site, this field is populated with a suggested path. If you are using an existing Web site, this field is populated with the current path of that Web site.
In the Security Configuration section, configure authentication and encryption for your extended Web application.
In the Authentication Provider section, click Negotiate (Kerberos) or NTLM.
To enable Kerberos authentication, you must perform additional configuration. For more information, see Configurar a autenticação Kerberos (SharePoint Foundation 2010).
In the Allow Anonymous section, click Yes or No. If you choose to allow anonymous access, this enables anonymous access to the Web site by using the computer-specific anonymous access account (that is, IIS_IUSRS).
If you want users to be able to access any site content anonymously, you must enable anonymous access for the entire Web application zone before you enable anonymous access at the SharePoint site level; later, site owners can configure how anonymous access is used within their sites. If you do not enable anonymous access at the Web application level, you cannot enable anonymous access later, at the site level. For more information, see Escolher grupos de segurança (SharePoint Foundation 2010).
In the Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) section, click Yes or No. If you choose to enable SSL for the Web site, you must configure SSL by requesting and installing an SSL certificate. For more information about setting up SSL, see How to Setup SSL on IIS 7.0 (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=187887).
In the Public URL section, type the URL for the domain name for all sites that users will access in this Web application. This URL will be used as the base URL in links shown on pages within this Web application zone. The default URL is the current server name and port, and is automatically updated to reflect the current SSL, host header, and port number settings on the page. If you are deploying SharePoint Foundation 2010 behind a load balancer or proxy server, then this URL may need to be different than the SSL, host header, and port settings on this page.
In the Public URL section, select the zone to use for the Web application in the drop-down menu.
You can create up to five zones within a Web application.
Click OK to extend your existing Web application.
To extend an existing Web application that uses Windows-classic authentication by using Windows PowerShell
Verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: Consulte Add-SPShellAdmin. You also need to be local Administrator on the computer that is running Windows PowerShell.
On the Start menu, click All Programs.
Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.
To extend a Web application to the same port, but with a different host header, at the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command:
Get-SPWebApplication -Identity <Identity> | New-SPWebApplicationExtension -Name <Name> -HostHeader <HostHeader> -Port <Port> -Zone <Zone> -URL <URL>
<Identity> is the Web application that you want to extend.
<Name> is the name of the new IIS Web site in the Web application.
<HostHeader> is the host name assigned to this zone of the Web application.
<Port> is the port on which this zone of the Web application can be accessed.
<Zone> is the zone with which this new extension is to be associated.
<URL> is the public URL for this Web application zone.
Get-SPWebApplication -Identity http://sitename | New-SPWebApplicationExtension -Name ExtranetSite -HostHeader www.contoso.com -Port 80 -Zone Extranet -URL http://extranet.sitename.com
For more information, see New-SPWebApplicationExtension.
Recomendamos que você use o Windows PowerShell ao executar tarefas administrativas de linha de comando. A ferramenta de linha de comando Stsadm está obsoleta, mas está incluída para oferecer suporte à compatibilidade com versões anteriores do produto.
See Also
Criar um aplicativo Web que utiliza a autenticação clássica do Windows (SharePoint Foundation 2010)
Extend a Web application that uses Windows-claims authentication (SharePoint Foundation 2010)