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ClientValueObject.TypeId propriedade

This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client
Assemblies:   Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Silverlight.Runtime (em Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Silverlight.Runtime.dll);  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Phone.Runtime (em Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Phone.Runtime.dll)  Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime (em Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll)


Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property TypeId As String
Dim instance As ClientValueObject
Dim value As String

value = instance.TypeId
public abstract string TypeId { get; }

Valor de propriedade

Tipo: System.String
Retorna String.

Ver também


ClientValueObject classe

ClientValueObject membros

Microsoft.SharePoint.Client namespace