Compartilhar via

Events.UpdateEventHandlerAssociations method

Atualiza um ou mais associações de manipulador de evento.

Namespace:  WebSvcEvents
Assembly:  ProjectServerServices (in ProjectServerServices.dll)


<SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace := "",  _
    ResponseNamespace := "",  _
    Use := SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle := SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
Public Sub UpdateEventHandlerAssociations ( _
    eventHandlers As EventHandlersDataSet _
Dim instance As Events
Dim eventHandlers As EventHandlersDataSet

[SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace = "", 
    ResponseNamespace = "", 
    Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
public void UpdateEventHandlerAssociations(
    EventHandlersDataSet eventHandlers



O EventHandlersDataSet contém informações sobre as associações de manipulador de evento para atualizar, incluindo os nomes de assembly do manipulador de evento, nomes de classe, descrições, o evento relacionado e a ordem na qual cada manipulador de eventos é chamado (o número de sequência).

Permissões do Project Server




Permite que um usuário gerencie os manipuladores de eventos para os eventos do servidor. Permissão global.


O exemplo a seguir mostra o uso do método UpdateEventHandlerAssociations . Depois de criar um manipulador de eventos para o evento CustomFieldsCreated , o aplicativo grava esse conjunto de dados do manipulador de evento para um arquivo XML. Ele acessa-lo novamente e modifica o campo de descrição do conjunto de dados. Em seguida, o aplicativo usa UpdateEventHandlerAssociations para atualizar o conjunto de dados do manipulador de eventos com o manipulador de eventos modificadas. O conjunto de dados do manipulador de evento modificada é gravado em um arquivo XML e o aplicativo, em seguida, recupera uma lista de todos os eventos e grava a lista em um arquivo XML de terceiro.

O exemplo usa o namespace SvcEvent no assembly ProjectServerServices.dll proxy.


Em alguns casos, pode levar até 60 segundos para o processo de associação do manipulador de eventos para a conclusão. Um intervalo de suspensão deve ser definido para que haja tempo suficiente para que esse processo seja concluído. Caso contrário, um erro de indexação do conjunto de dados pode finalizar o aplicativo. Se o aplicativo executado sem concluir uma etapa anterior, o resultado não será confiável. Neste exemplo, o tempo permitido para criar um manipulador de eventos é de 45 segundos e o tempo permitido para acessar o manipulador de eventos é de 5 segundos. Em um ambiente específico, é necessário experimentação para determinar a quantidade de tempo que é necessário para que sejam concluídas.

The ConfigClientEndpoints method uses an app.config file for setting the WCF binding, behavior, and endpoint. For information about creating a PSI proxy assembly and an app.config file, see Prerequisites for WCF-Based Code Samples.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using PSLibrary = Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library;
using Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Events;

namespace ManageEventHandler
    class Program
        private static SvcEvents.EventsClient eventsClient;
        private const string ENDPOINT_EVENTS = "basicHttp_Events";

        // Change the output directory for your computer.
        private const string OUTPUT_FILES = @"C:\Project\Samples\Output\";
        private static string outFileCreatedEH;
        private static string outFileUpdatedEH;
        private static string outFileAllEvents;

        private static int dbWriteInterval = 35000;
        private static int dbReadInterval = 5000;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("\nStart Time: {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString());
            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

            // Set path and file name for output files and configure web service client endpoints.
            outFileCreatedEH = OUTPUT_FILES + "MEH_CreatedHandler.xml";
            outFileUpdatedEH = OUTPUT_FILES + "MEH_CreatedHandlerUpdated.xml";
            outFileAllEvents = OUTPUT_FILES + "MEH_AllEvents.xml";


                // Create an instance of an event handler dataset with one row.
                SvcEvents.EventHandlersDataSet eventHandlerDS = new SvcEvents.EventHandlersDataSet();
                SvcEvents.EventHandlersDataSet.EventHandlersRow ehRow = eventHandlerDS.EventHandlers.NewEventHandlersRow();

                // Add CustomFieldsCreated event handler registration information to the row.
                Guid uid = Guid.NewGuid();
                ehRow.EventHandlerUid = uid;
                ehRow.Name = "Custom Fields Created Event Handler";
                ehRow.AssemblyName =
                    "TestCreatedCustomField, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f94f2907cf07bc7c";
                ehRow.ClassName =
                ehRow.EventId = (int)SvcEvents.PSEventID.CustomFieldsCreated;
                ehRow.Description = "Test the OnCreated event handler for custom fields.";
                ehRow.Order = 1;
                eventHandlerDS.EventHandlers.AddEventHandlersRow(ehRow.EventHandlerUid, ehRow.Name,
                    ehRow.AssemblyName, ehRow.ClassName, ehRow.EventId, ehRow.Description, ehRow.Order);

                // Associate the event handler with the CustomFieldCreated event.
                DisplayComment("\nCreating and storing a CustomFieldCreated event handler...", "Yellow");

                // Retrieve the new event handler from the dataset by using its event identifier. 
                SvcEvents.EventHandlersDataSet initEvDS = eventsClient.ReadEventHandlerAssociationsForEvent(SvcEvents.PSEventID.CustomFieldsCreated);
                DisplayComment("\nRetrieving the new event handler from the database...", "Yellow");


                string currDesc = "\nDescription field of the retrieved event handler: \n  " + initEvDS.EventHandlers[0].Description;
                DisplayComment(currDesc, "White");

                // Modify the event handler description field and update the dataset.
                initEvDS.EventHandlers[0].Description = "This is the modified event handler description.";

                DisplayComment("\nModifying the description field and updating the event handler...", "Yellow");

                // Retrieve the event handler from the dataset by using its event identifier. 
                SvcEvents.EventHandlersDataSet updEvDS = eventsClient.ReadEventHandlerAssociationsForEvent(SvcEvents.PSEventID.CustomFieldsCreated);
                DisplayComment("\nRetrieving the updated event handler...", "Yellow");

                currDesc = "\nDescription field of the updated event handler: \n  " + updEvDS.EventHandlers[0].Description;
                DisplayComment(currDesc, "White");


                // Compare the original and the modified description fields to verify that the dataset was updated.
                int same = eventHandlerDS.EventHandlers[0].Description.CompareTo(updEvDS.EventHandlers[0].Description);

                if (same == 0)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nThe description field was not modified during the alloted time.");

                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
                        "\n\nThe CustomFieldCreated event handler description has been modified \n  from '{0}' \n  to '{1}'",
                        eventHandlerDS.EventHandlers[0].Description, updEvDS.EventHandlers[0].Description, ".");

                // Read the list of all events and write them to an output file.
                SvcEvents.EventsDataSet AllEventsDS = new SvcEvents.EventsDataSet();
                AllEventsDS = eventsClient.ReadEventsList();

            catch (FaultException fault)
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                // Use the WCF FaultException, because the ASMX SoapException does not 
                // exist in a WCF-based application.
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

                Console.Write("\nPress any key to exit... ");

        // Use the endpoint that is defined in app.config to configure the client.
        public static void ConfigClientEndpoints()
            eventsClient = new SvcEvents.EventsClient(ENDPOINT_EVENTS);

        public static void DisplayTime(Stopwatch timer)

            // Pause the timer and display the current accumulated time in seconds.
            TimeSpan ts = timer.Elapsed;
            string elapsedTime = String.Format("\n\tElapsed time: {0:F4} seconds ({1:F2} minutes) ",
                ts.TotalSeconds, ts.TotalMinutes);

        public static void DisplayComment(string comment, string color)
            switch (color)
                case "White": Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; break;
                case "Red": Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; break;
                case "Yellow": Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; break;
                case "Cyan": Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; break;
                default: Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; break;

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n" + comment);

        // Extract a PSClientError object from the WCF FaultException object, and
        // then display the exception details and each error in the PSClientError stack.
        private static void WriteFaultOutput(FaultException fault)
            string errAttributeName;
            string errAttribute;
            string errOut;
            string errMess = "".PadRight(30, '=') + "\r\n"
                + "Error details: \n" + "\r\n";

            PSLibrary.PSClientError error = Helpers.GetPSClientError(fault, out errOut);
            errMess += errOut;

            PSLibrary.PSErrorInfo[] errors = error.GetAllErrors();
            PSLibrary.PSErrorInfo thisError;

            for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
                thisError = errors[i];
                errMess += "\r\n".PadRight(30, '=') + "\r\nPSClientError output:\r\n\n";
                errMess += thisError.ErrId.ToString() + "\n";

                for (int j = 0; j < thisError.ErrorAttributes.Length; j++)
                    errAttributeName = thisError.ErrorAttributeNames()[j];
                    errAttribute = thisError.ErrorAttributes[j];
                    errMess += "\r\n\t" + errAttributeName
                        + ": " + errAttribute;

        // Helper methods: GetPSClientError.
        class Helpers
            // Helper method: GetPSClientError.
            /// <summary>
            /// Extract a PSClientError object from the ServiceModel.FaultException,
            /// for use in output of the GetPSClientError stack of errors.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="e"></param>
            /// <param name="errOut">Shows that FaultException has more information 
            /// about the errors than PSClientError has. FaultException can also contain 
            /// other types of errors, such as failure to connect to the server.</param>
            /// <returns>PSClientError object, for enumerating errors.</returns>
            public static PSLibrary.PSClientError GetPSClientError(FaultException e,
                                                                   out string errOut)
                const string PREFIX = "GetPSClientError() returns null: ";
                errOut = string.Empty;
                PSLibrary.PSClientError psClientError = null;

                if (e == null)
                    errOut = PREFIX + "Null parameter (FaultException e) passed in.";
                    psClientError = null;
                    // Get a ServiceModel.MessageFault object.
                    var messageFault = e.CreateMessageFault();

                    if (messageFault.HasDetail)
                        using (var xmlReader = messageFault.GetReaderAtDetailContents())
                            var xml = new XmlDocument();

                            var serverExecutionFault = xml["ServerExecutionFault"];
                            if (serverExecutionFault != null)
                                var exceptionDetails = serverExecutionFault["ExceptionDetails"];
                                if (exceptionDetails != null)
                                        errOut = exceptionDetails.InnerXml + "\r\n";
                                        psClientError =
                                            new PSLibrary.PSClientError(exceptionDetails.InnerXml);
                                    catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                                        errOut = PREFIX + "Unable to convert fault exception info ";
                                        errOut += "a valid Project Server error message. Message: \n\t";
                                        errOut += ex.Message;
                                        psClientError = null;
                                    errOut = PREFIX + "The FaultException e is a ServerExecutionFault, "
                                        + "but does not have ExceptionDetails.";
                                errOut = PREFIX + "The FaultException e is not a ServerExecutionFault.";
                    else // There is no detail in the MessageFault.
                        errOut = PREFIX + "The FaultException e does not have any detail.";
                errOut += "\r\n" + e.ToString() + "\r\n";
                return psClientError;


O exemplo a seguir é um exemplo de arquivo de saída MEH_CreatedHandler.xml que o aplicativo salva.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="true"?>
<EventHandlersDataSet xmlns=""> 
<Name>Custom Fields Created Event Handler</Name>
<AssemblyName>TestCreatedCustomField, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f94f2907cf07bc7c</AssemblyName> <ClassName>Microsoft.SDK.Project.Samples.EventHandlers.TestCreatedCustomField.WriteCustomFieldCreatedEvent</ClassName> <EventId>26</EventId>
<Description>Test the OnCreated event handler for custom fields.</Description>

O exemplo a seguir é um exemplo de arquivo de saída MEH_CreatedHandlerUpdated.xml que o aplicativo salva.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="true"?>
<EventHandlersDataSet xmlns="">
<Name>Custom Fields Created Event Handler</Name>
<AssemblyName>TestCreatedCustomField, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f94f2907cf07bc7c</AssemblyName> <ClassName>Microsoft.SDK.Project.Samples.EventHandlers.TestCreatedCustomField.WriteCustomFieldCreatedEvent</ClassName> <EventId>26</EventId>
<Description>This is the modified event handler description.</Description>

O exemplo a seguir é um exemplo dos arquivos de saída MEH_AllEvents.xml que o aplicativo salva.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="true"?>
<EventsDataSet xmlns=""> -<Event> <EventId>0</EventId><SourceName>Admin</SourceName> <EventName>ReportingPeriodUpdated</EventName></Event> 
<Event><EventId>1</EventId><SourceName>Admin</SourceName> <EventName>ReportingPeriodUpdating</EventName></Event> 
<Event><EventId>2</EventId><SourceName>Admin</SourceName> <EventName>LineClassUpdated</EventName></Event> 
<Event><EventId>3</EventId><SourceName>Admin</SourceName> <EventName>LineClassUpdating</EventName></Event> 
<Event><EventId>4</EventId><SourceName>Admin</SourceName> <EventName>StatusReportsDeleted</EventName></Event> 
<Event><EventId>5</EventId><SourceName>Admin</SourceName> <EventName>StatusReportsDeleting</EventName></Event> 
<Event><EventId>10</EventId><SourceName>Admin</SourceName> <EventName>AdSyncERPSynchronized</EventName></Event>
<Event><EventId>197</EventId><SourceName>UserDelegation</SourceName> <EventName>Activating</EventName></Event> 
<Event><EventId>198</EventId><SourceName>UserDelegation</SourceName> <EventName>Changed</EventName></Event> 
<Event><EventId>199</EventId><SourceName>UserDelegation</SourceName> <EventName>Changing</EventName></Event> 
<Event><EventId>200</EventId><SourceName>UserDelegation</SourceName> <EventName>Deactivated</EventName></Event> 
<Event><EventId>201</EventId><SourceName>UserDelegation</SourceName> <EventName>Deactivating</EventName></Event> 

Ver também


Events class

Events members

WebSvcEvents namespace