Project.UpdateProjectWorkspaceAddress method
Atualiza a URL de project site e o nome de um site do SharePoint.
Namespace: WebSvcProject
Assembly: ProjectServerServices (in ProjectServerServices.dll)
<SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace := "", _
ResponseNamespace := "", _
Use := SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle := SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)> _
Public Sub UpdateProjectWorkspaceAddress ( _
projectUid As Guid, _
newWebName As String, _
newWSSServerUID As Guid _
Dim instance As Project
Dim projectUid As Guid
Dim newWebName As String
Dim newWSSServerUID As Guid
instance.UpdateProjectWorkspaceAddress(projectUid, _
newWebName, newWSSServerUID)
[SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", RequestNamespace = "",
ResponseNamespace = "",
Use = SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle = SoapParameterStyle.Wrapped)]
public void UpdateProjectWorkspaceAddress(
Guid projectUid,
string newWebName,
Guid newWSSServerUID
Type: System.GuidO GUID do projeto.
Type: System.StringO novo nome do project site.
Type: System.GuidO GUID do novo servidor do SharePoint.
O destino project site deve existir ou um erro de WSSWebDoesNotExist é acionado. CreateWssSite criará um novo site para um determinado projeto.
Se o novo project site já estiver em uso, será gerado um erro de WSSSpWebAlreadyLinkedToProject .
O projeto especificado deve existir no banco de dados Published .
Permissões do Project Server
Permissão |
Descrição |
Permite que um usuário gerencie os sites do SharePoint para o Project Server. Permissão global. |
O exemplo a seguir cria um novo projeto, publicá-lo e, em seguida, altera a associação de project site como sendo um que você criou.
For critical information about running this code sample, see Prerequisites for Reference Code Samples.
Você precisará criar um project site do Project Server para usar o exemplo. Ele servirá como o novo project site para esse projeto.
Abra o seu site Project Web App (https://ServerName/ProjectServerName/.
No canto superior direito, clique em Ações do Site. Escolha criar.
Em páginas da Web, clique em Sites e espaços de trabalho.
Digite um título, Descrição, e nome da URL.
Anote o Nome da URL que você inseriu; Você pode precisar dele para o exemplo a seguir.
Selecione o modelo de Espaço de trabalho do projeto do Microsoft Office.
Clique em Criar.
Defina o valor de NEW WORKSPACE na amostra de para corresponder ao Nome da URL que você inseriu anteriormente.
Se você executar o exemplo duas vezes em uma linha, você receberá um erro. Isso ocorre porque o site que você fez anteriormente se tornará associado ao projeto que você criar no exemplo. Você pode usar o Project Web App áreaConfigurações do servidor para excluir o projeto que acabou de ser criado (https://ServerName/ProjectServerName/admin/admin.aspx), ou pode adicionar uma chamada UpdateProjectWorkspaceAddress para definir o project site do projeto anterior como string.Empty.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Net;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.Threading;
using PSLibrary = Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library;
namespace Microsoft.SDK.Project.Samples.UpdateProjectWorkspaceAddress
class Program
static void Main()
#region Setup
// Replace the NEW_WORKSPACE value with the workspace name
// that you created above.
const string PROJECT_SERVER_URI = "https://ServerName/ProjectServerName/";
const string PROJECT_SERVICE_PATH = "_vti_bin/psi/project.asmx";
const string QUEUESYSTEM_SERVICE_PATH = "_vti_bin/psi/queuesystem.asmx";
const string WSSINTEROP_SERVICE_PATH = "_vti_bin/psi/wssinterop.asmx";
const string SESSION_DESC = "Update Workspace Sample";
Guid sessionId = Guid.NewGuid();
Guid jobId;
// Set up the web service objects.
SvcProject.Project projectSvc = new SvcProject.Project();
projectSvc.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystem q = new SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystem();
q.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
SvcWssInterop.WssInterop wssInterOpSvc = new SvcWssInterop.WssInterop();
wssInterOpSvc.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// Create a sample project.
Console.WriteLine("Creating the project");
Guid projectId = CreateSampleProject(projectSvc, q);
Console.WriteLine("\tProject UID: " + projectId);
// Publish the project.
Console.WriteLine("Publishing the project");
jobId = Guid.NewGuid();
projectSvc.QueuePublish(jobId, projectId, true, SESSION_DESC);
WaitForQueue(q, jobId);
#region Get workspace info
// Get the admin settings that are necessary for site linking.
Console.WriteLine("Getting the server info");
SvcWssInterop.WssSettingsDataSet dsCurrentWssInfo = wssInterOpSvc.ReadWssSettings();
SvcWssInterop.WssSettingsDataSet.WssAdminRow adminRow = dsCurrentWssInfo.WssAdmin[0];
string siteCollection = string.Empty;
#region Change Workspace Address
Console.WriteLine("Changing the address");
projectSvc.UpdateProjectWorkspaceAddress(projectId, siteCollection + "/"+ NEW_WORKSPACE , wssWebAppUid);
#region Exception Handling and Final
catch (SoapException ex)
PSLibrary.PSClientError error = new PSLibrary.PSClientError(ex);
PSLibrary.PSErrorInfo[] errors = error.GetAllErrors();
string errMess = "==============================\r\nError: \r\n";
for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
errMess += "\n" + ex.Message.ToString() + "\r\n";
errMess += "".PadRight(30, '=') + "\r\nPSCLientError Output:\r\n \r\n";
errMess += errors[i].ErrId.ToString() + "\n";
for (int j = 0; j < errors[i].ErrorAttributes.Length; j++)
errMess += "\r\n\t" + errors[i].ErrorAttributeNames()[j] + ": " + errors[i].ErrorAttributes[j];
errMess += "\r\n".PadRight(30, '=');
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
catch (WebException ex)
string errMess = ex.Message.ToString() +
"\n\nLog on, or check the Project Server Queuing Service";
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + errMess);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("\r\n\r\nPress any key...");
#region Supporting Classes
// Wait for the job to finish.
// Outputs job status to the console.
static private void WaitForQueue(SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystem q, Guid jobId)
SvcQueueSystem.JobState jobState;
const int QUEUE_WAIT_TIME = 2; // two seconds
bool jobDone = false;
string xmlError = string.Empty;
int wait = 0;
// Wait for the project to get through the queue.
// Get the estimated wait time in seconds.
wait = q.GetJobWaitTime(jobId);
// Wait for it.
Thread.Sleep(wait * 1000);
// Wait until it is finished.
// Get the job state.
jobState = q.GetJobCompletionState(jobId, out xmlError);
if (jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.Success)
jobDone = true;
if (jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.Unknown
|| jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.Failed
|| jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.FailedNotBlocking
|| jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.CorrelationBlocked
|| jobState == SvcQueueSystem.JobState.Canceled)
// If the job failed, error out.
throw (new ApplicationException("Queue request " + jobState + " for Job ID " + jobId + ".\r\n" + xmlError));
Console.WriteLine("Job State: " + jobState + " for Job ID: " + jobId);
Thread.Sleep(QUEUE_WAIT_TIME * 1000);
while (!jobDone);
static private Guid CreateSampleProject(SvcProject.Project projectSvc, SvcQueueSystem.QueueSystem q)
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet projectDs = new SvcProject.ProjectDataSet();
Guid jobId;
// Create the project.
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow projectRow = projectDs.Project.NewProjectRow();
Guid projectId = Guid.NewGuid();
projectRow.PROJ_UID = projectId;
projectRow.PROJ_NAME = "Its a wonderful project at " +
DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "") + " " +
DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString().Replace(":", "");
projectRow.PROJ_TYPE = (int)PSLibrary.Project.ProjectType.Project;
// Add some tasks.
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.TaskRow taskOne = projectDs.Task.NewTaskRow();
taskOne.PROJ_UID = projectId;
taskOne.TASK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
// The Task Duration format must be specified.
taskOne.TASK_DUR_FMT = (int)PSLibrary.Task.DurationFormat.Day;
taskOne.TASK_DUR = 4800; // 8 hours in duration units (minute/10)
taskOne.TASK_NAME = "Task One";
taskOne.TASK_START_DATE = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.TaskRow taskTwo = projectDs.Task.NewTaskRow();
taskTwo.PROJ_UID = projectId;
taskTwo.TASK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
// The Task Duration format must be specified.
taskTwo.TASK_DUR_FMT = (int)PSLibrary.Task.DurationFormat.Day;
taskTwo.TASK_DUR = 4800; // 8 hours in duration units (minute/10)
taskTwo.TASK_NAME = "Task Two";
// Make task two dependent on task one.
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.DependencyRow dependency = projectDs.Dependency.NewDependencyRow();
dependency.LINK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
dependency.PROJ_UID = projectId;
dependency.LINK_PRED_UID = taskOne.TASK_UID;
dependency.LINK_SUCC_UID = taskTwo.TASK_UID;
dependency.LINK_TYPE = 1; //Finish to Start
dependency.LINK_LAG_FMT = (int)PSLibrary.Task.DurationFormat.Hour;
dependency.LINK_LAG = 0;
// Add a summary task.
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.TaskRow taskOthers = projectDs.Task.NewTaskRow();
taskOthers.PROJ_UID = projectId;
taskOthers.TASK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
taskOthers.TASK_NAME = "Other Tasks";
// Add some subtasks.
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.TaskRow taskThree = projectDs.Task.NewTaskRow();
taskThree.PROJ_UID = projectId;
taskThree.TASK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
// The Task Duration format must be specified.
taskThree.TASK_DUR_FMT = (int)PSLibrary.Task.DurationFormat.Day;
taskThree.TASK_DUR = 4800; // 8 hours in duration units (minute/10)
taskThree.TASK_NAME = "Task Three";
taskThree.TASK_PARENT_UID = taskOthers.TASK_UID;
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.TaskRow taskFour = projectDs.Task.NewTaskRow();
taskFour.PROJ_UID = projectId;
taskFour.TASK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
// The Task Duration format must be specified.
taskFour.TASK_DUR_FMT = (int)PSLibrary.Task.DurationFormat.Day;
taskFour.TASK_DUR = 4800; // 8 hours in duration units (minute/10)
taskFour.TASK_NAME = "Task Four";
taskFour.TASK_PARENT_UID = taskOthers.TASK_UID;
// Make task four dependent on task three.
dependency = projectDs.Dependency.NewDependencyRow();
dependency.LINK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
dependency.PROJ_UID = projectId;
dependency.LINK_PRED_UID = taskThree.TASK_UID;
dependency.LINK_SUCC_UID = taskFour.TASK_UID;
dependency.LINK_TYPE = 1; //Finish to Start
dependency.LINK_LAG_FMT = (int)PSLibrary.Task.DurationFormat.Hour;
dependency.LINK_LAG = 0;
// Make others task dependent on task two.
dependency = projectDs.Dependency.NewDependencyRow();
dependency.LINK_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
dependency.PROJ_UID = projectId;
dependency.LINK_PRED_UID = taskTwo.TASK_UID;
dependency.LINK_SUCC_UID = taskOthers.TASK_UID;
dependency.LINK_TYPE = 1; //Finish to Start
dependency.LINK_LAG_FMT = (int)PSLibrary.Task.DurationFormat.Hour;
dependency.LINK_LAG = 0;
//Add some resources.
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow resourceOne = projectDs.ProjectResource.NewProjectResourceRow();
resourceOne.PROJ_UID = projectId;
resourceOne.RES_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
resourceOne.RES_NAME = "Brynja Sigrídur Blomsterberg";
resourceOne.RES_INITIALS = "BSB";
CreateAssignment(projectDs, taskOne.TASK_UID, resourceOne.RES_UID);
CreateAssignment(projectDs, taskTwo.TASK_UID, resourceOne.RES_UID);
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow resourceTwo = projectDs.ProjectResource.NewProjectResourceRow();
resourceTwo.PROJ_UID = projectId;
resourceTwo.RES_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
resourceTwo.RES_NAME = "Ioannis Xylaras";
resourceTwo.RES_INITIALS = "IX";
CreateAssignment(projectDs, taskOne.TASK_UID, resourceTwo.RES_UID);
CreateAssignment(projectDs, taskTwo.TASK_UID, resourceTwo.RES_UID);
CreateAssignment(projectDs, taskThree.TASK_UID, resourceTwo.RES_UID);
CreateAssignment(projectDs, taskFour.TASK_UID, resourceTwo.RES_UID);
// Save the project to the database.
jobId = Guid.NewGuid();
projectSvc.QueueCreateProject(jobId, projectDs, false);
WaitForQueue(q, jobId);
return projectRow.PROJ_UID;
// A helper function for CreateSampleProject.
// Makes simple assignments.
private static void CreateAssignment(SvcProject.ProjectDataSet projectDs, Guid taskGuid, Guid resourceGuid)
SvcProject.ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRow assnRow = projectDs.Assignment.NewAssignmentRow();
assnRow.PROJ_UID = projectDs.Project[0].PROJ_UID;
assnRow.ASSN_UID = Guid.NewGuid();
assnRow.TASK_UID = taskGuid;
assnRow.RES_UID = resourceGuid;