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Recover Planning Server with Analysis Services

When the computer that is running Planning Server and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services fails, you can quickly prepare a new computer that has a new server name and replace the failed one with the new one. The following procedure shows the steps for recovering the Analysis Services server.


The terms Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Services are used collectively in PerformancePoint Server documentation to refer to Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

Recover the server running Analysis Services

  1. Prepare the new Planning Server computer for use as the Analysis Services server. For more information about preparing the new computer for use as an Analysis Services server, see the PerformancePoint Server 2007 Deployment Guide.

    For multi-computer deployment scenario, you must configure the security settings among the computers that are running SQL Server and Analysis Services. For more information about configuring security among these computers in multi-computer deployment scenarios, see the PerformancePoint Server 2007 Deployment Guide.

  2. Manually update the BizAppNodes table in the application database by using the following command.

    UPDATE BizAppNodes
    SET OLAPServerName = @NewOLAPServerName
    WHERE BizAppNodeLabel = @BizAppNodeLabel
  3. Manually update the DeployInfo table in the application database.

    First, get BizAppNodeID from the BizAppNodes table by using the following command.

    SELECT BizAppNodeID FROM BizAppNodes
    WHERE BizAppNodeLabel = @BizAppNodeLabel

    Then, update the DeployInfo table by using the following command.

    UPDATE DeployInfo
    SET AppNodeOLAPStoreDBServer = @NewAppNodeOLAPStoreDBServer
    WHERE BizAppNodeID = @BizAppNodeID
  4. On the servers running Serviço Web do Planning and Serviço de Processo do Planning, make the following changes in the PerformancePoint.Config file, which is located in the C:\PerformancePointTemp\3.0\Config folder.

    1. Change the database server entry to the name of the new computer that is running SQL Server.

    2. Change the OLAP server entry to the new OLAP server computer name.


      You only need to do this in a single server setup, because the entry was set by Setup in this scenario. For a multi-server deployment, this field is empty; you do not need to modify it.

  5. On the computer that is running SQL Server, manually enable SQL Server Service Broker on all Planning Server application databases by performing the following SQL Server query:


    If the Planning Process Service is Started, stop the service so the Service Broker can be enabled. After it has been enabled, restart the service. Occasionally the above enable broker SQL statement seems to be locked and the statement never finish. To fix it, restart the SQL Server service and then do the above statement.

  6. On both the Serviço Web do Planning server and the Serviço de Processo do Planning server, at the Windows command prompt, run IISRESET.

  7. On the Serviço Web do Planning server and the Serviço de Processo do Planning server, restart the Serviço de Processo do Planning. This ensures that all changes to the configuration files are picked up by the servers.

  8. If Windows SharePoint Services is used, you need to reconnect the Windows SharePoint Services server to it. You need to point Windows SharePoint Services back to its configuration and content databases on the new computer that is running SQL Server.

    Take the following steps:

    1. On the computer running Planning Server and Windows SharePoint Services, open Internet Information Services.

    2. Expand the list and open the Web Sites folder.

    3. Right-click SharePoint Central Administration and select Browse.

    4. Click Set configuration database server.

    5. Change the server name to the new SQL Server name.

    6. Select Connect to existing configuration database.

    7. Clique em OK.

    8. Select Set default content database server and verify that the new name is correct. If not, update the name to reflect the new database server name and then click OK.

If reconnection fails

The following procedure is only required if the previous procedure is unsuccessful in reconnecting to Windows SharePoint Services. If the server running Windows SharePoint Services cannot be reconnected, the only remaining option is to remove and then reinstall Windows SharePoint Services from its installation point. Steps to remove and reinstall Windows SharePoint Services are shown in the following procedure.

Steps to take if reconnection fails

  1. On the computer running Planning Server and Windows SharePoint Services, uninstall Windows SharePoint Services by using Add\Remove Programs.

  2. On the same computer, open Internet Information Services Manager and delete the SharePoint Web site and the StsAdminAppPool.

  3. Install Windows SharePoint Services on the server. Para obter mais informações, consulte Recover Windows SharePoint Services.

  4. Launch Planning Business Modeler, and redeploy all model sites to generate the Analysis Services databases on the new Analysis Services server.

  5. Connect to Planning Server by using Console de Administração do Planning and Planning Business Modeler to verify that your Planning Server system is working correctly.

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