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Configurações de Offscan.ini do Office Migration Planning Manager para o Office 2010


Aplica-se a: Office 2010

Tópico modificado em: 2015-03-09

The settings and values that you can specify in the Offscan.ini file are listed and described in the Offscan.ini settings table in this article. Offscan.ini is the configuration file that the Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) File Scanner reads to obtain information about how to perform the OMPM File Scanner scan. The Offscan.ini file must be edited before you can run the OMPM File Scanner.

The OMPM File Scanner scans a set of files one time per RunID. The RunID is a unique ID number that you assign to this setting in the offscan.ini file. It specifies one scan. To scan the same set of files again, provide a different RunID.

Offscan.ini settings table

The following table shows the settings and values in Offscan.ini.

Setting Required? Description Possible values If value is missing If value is not valid



Defines the scan execution identifier.

Section head

Scanning stops.

Not applicable



Tracking number for the current scan. Use this to group scans from different computers in the Reports.

The purpose of RunID is to uniquely identify scan results in the OMPM reporting database. You can only use a single RunID one time on each client computer. This avoids duplicate log information from being generated. Use an alternate RunID to run subsequent scans.

1 through 2,147,483,646. The default value is 1001.

Scan ends. If value is a previously used RunID on the same client computer, the scan immediately finishes, and you see the following message: “The scan with the specified RunID has already been completed on this Computer for this User. Scan Complete”.

End scan



Text used to describe the current scan.

Free-form text, truncated to 255 characters.


Not applicable



Define scan actions to be executed.

Section head

Scanning stops

Not applicable



Path where log files are placed.

Physical or mapped drive or UNC, e.g., c:\scan\logs or \\server\logshare

The default location is c:\ompm\scandata

Environment variables are supported for local scans only (see note that follows this table).

End scan and display usage information to console.

If the directory does not exist, the directory is created as configured. If the entire path is incorrect, an error is displayed on the computer and the scan is stopped.



Ensures the user's My Documents folder is scanned whether My Documents is within the path that is specified in SourcePath or redirected to another hard disk drive or network share.

1 - Scan My Documents wherever the folder is.

0 - do not scan My Documents if the path is not under that indicated by SourcePath.

The default value is 0.

No special handling for My Documents folder.




Ensures the user's Desktop folder is scanned, whether Desktop is within the path that is specified in SourcePath or redirected to another hard disk drive or network share. Optional.

1 - Scan Desktop wherever the folder is.

0 - do not scan Desktop if the path is not under that indicated by SourcePath.

The default value is 0.

No special handling for Desktop folder.




Specify whether this is a deep scan. Deep scan must be enabled to allow OMPM scanner to look for file compatibility changes.

0 - perform a light scan.

1 - perform a deep scan.

The default value is 1.

Performs a light scan.

Performs a light scan



Disable creation of CAB files.

0 – do not allow creation of CAB files.

1 – allow creation of CAB files.

The default value is 0.

Will not create CAB files.

Does not create CAB files



Specify whether to display scan activity on the screen.

0 - do not print output to the screen.

1 - print output to the screen.

The default value is 1.

Does not print output to the screen.

Does not print output to the screen



Restart a failed scan when you run the OMPM File Scanner again.

0 - do not restart failed scans.

1 - restart failed scans.

The default value is 1.

Does not attempt to restart failed scans.

Does not attempt to restart failed scans



Specify whether to write output to a file.

0 - do not write output to a file.

1 - write output to a file.

The default value is 1.

Does not write output to a file.

Does not write output to a file



Enables scan filtering based on the last accessed date of files. If enabled, files with last access dates that are older than the specified date are logged as skipped files. They are not scanned.

This setting is used only when deep scanning is enabled (DeepScan=1). This setting is ignored during light scans (DeepScan=0).

1 - Offscan skips files that have a Last Accessed Date that is less than OldAccessedDate

0 - offscan does not skip old files based on Last Accessed Date

The default value is 0.

No files are skipped.

No files are skipped



Defines the date to use for filtering file scanning by last accessed date, Must be activated by using the SkipOldAccessedFiles setting. The date format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Valid date

The default value is 2005/01/01

No files are skipped.

The scan stops



Enables scan filtering based on the last modified date of files. If enabled, files that have last modified dates that are older than the specified date are logged as skipped files. They are not scanned.

This setting is used only when deep scanning is enabled (DeepScan=1). This setting is ignored during light scans (DeepScan=0).

1 - offscan skips files that have a Last Modified Date that is less than OldModifiedDate

0 - offscan does not skip old files based on Last Modified Date

The default value is 0.

No files are skipped.

No files are skipped



Defines the date to use for filtering file scanning by last modified date, Must be enabled by using the SkipOldModifiedFiles setting. The date format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Valid date

The default value is 2005/01/01

No files are skipped.

The scan stops



Defines whether skipped files are displayed on the screen during scanning.

1 - every file skipped is displayed

0 - skipped files are not displayed

The default value is 1.

Skipped files are not displayed.

Skipped files are not displayed.



Specify whether to scan files for macro VBA code to determine the number of potential object model changes from the current version to Office 2010.

1 - offscan attempts to scan macros in scanned filetypes for API or object model compatibility issues. Files that contain macros require additional time for scanning. Therefore, scanning times can increase for document sets that contain large numbers of macros.

0 - offscan does not attempt to scan macros for API or object model issues

The default value is 0.

Files are not scanned for macro issues.

Files are not scanned for macro issues.



Specify whether to scan macro VBA code to determine the number of potential 64-bit Office changes from the current version to Office 2010 64 bit.

1 - offscan attempts to scan macros in scanned filetypes for API or object model compatibility issues. Files that contain macros require additional time for scanning. Therefore, scanning times can increase for document sets that contain large numbers of macros.

0 - offscan does not attempt to scan macros for API or object model issues

The default value is 0.

Files are not scanned for 64-bit macro issues.

Files are not scanned for 64-bit macro issues



Section lists folder trees to scan. Sub-folders are also scanned.

Section head

Environment variables are supported for local scans only (see note that follows this table).

If a folder that is specified for scanning does not exist, OMPM File Scanner generates an error message and aborts the scan.



Lists the folder that is included in the scan. All files within this folder and sub-folders are scanned. You can add a Folder entry for each folder (and its included subfolders) that you want to include in the scan.

Define local drives, UNC paths, or WebDAV paths.


Local: C:\samplefolder or C:\%localappdata%

Server: \\servername\share

WebDAV(SharePoint): \\server\DAVwwwRoot

No value is specified by default.

OMPM File Scanner scans all local physical drives.

OMPM File Scanner ignores and logs paths that are not valid and continues scanning the remaining defined folders. OMPM File Scanner scans all local physical drives if no valid folders are defined.



Section lists folders to exclude from the scan. Sub-folders are also excluded. If [FoldersToExclude] contains folders that do not exist on the computer, the scan stops.

Section Head.

Environment variables are supported for local scans only (see note that follows this table).

No folder is excluded from the scan.

If FoldersToScan and FoldersToExclude include the same folders, an error is written to tblErrors and the scan ends.

Error is:

" “Error: Cannot include and exclude the same path. Make sure each path only appears once in the config file.”

Scan Aborted



Lists a folder to be excluded in the scan. All files within this folder and sub-folders are scanned. Optional.

Define local drives, UNC paths, or WebDAV paths.

Environment variables are supported for local scans only (see note that follows this table).

You can add a Folder entry for each folder that you want to exclude from the scan.


Local: C:\samplefolder or C:\%localappdata%

Server: \\servername\share

WebDAV(SharePoint): \\server\DAVwwwRoot

No default value is specified

OMPM scans files in accordance with the defined folderstoscan section. No folder is excluded from the scan.

Ignores and logs invalid paths and continues scanning the remaining defined folders



If you are scanning over a network, use the Network section to retry on some limited errors.

If a retry is not successful, an error is logged and the scan continues

Section head

Retry is not attempted

Retry is not attempted



Number of retries per file before it moves to the next file.


The default value is 10.



Number of milliseconds to wait between retries.


The default value is 1000.



The number of sequential files to retry before stopping the scan. Optional.


0 - infinite number of files.

The default value is 10.



Sections that contain specific settings for each Office application.

Section heads:








If section is missing, the application document files are not scanned.

If [Application] is not a known value, the section is ignored.



List of extensions to be scanned for the application. Required, if [Application] is present. For a list of file types that are scanned by the OMPM File Scanner, see Visão geral do Office Migration Planning Manager para o Office 2010

Extensions are defined for each application.

For example, "doc" or "dot" (a comma-separated list without the preceding "." character). You can add more extension types if you use other extensions for particular document types, such as .LET for Word letter documents.


The OMPM file scanner does not scan files in the OpenXML format (.xlsx, .pptx, .docx) unless you explicitly add them to this setting.

Defaults by application:

Access: mdb, mde, mdz, adp, ade, mdt, mda, accda, accdb, accdr, accdu, accde, accdt, accdc

Excel xls, xlt, xla, XLC, XLM, xlsm, xltm

PowerPoint: ppt, pot, pps, ppa, pptm, ppam, potm

Project: mpp, mpt


Visio: vsd, vss, vst, vdx, vtx, vsx

Word: doc, dot, wiz, docm, dotm

If there are no values in Ext= in any [Application] section, the OMPM File Scanner finishes without scanning the files.

File type is ignored.



Configuration settings for Access.

Section head



Specify whether to collect data access object (DAO) properties from the Access databases that are scanned.

0 - do not collect DAO properties.

1 - collect DAO properties.

The default value is 1.

Collect DAO properties.

Collect DAO properties.



Specify whether to collect Access properties from the Access databases that are scanned. To collect Access properties, the OMPM File Scanner must be running on a computer that has Access 95 or a later version installed on it. Access databases that contain autoexec macros are not scanned.

0 - do not collect Access properties.

1 - collect Access properties.

The default value is 0.

Do not collect Access properties.

Do not collect Access properties.



Specify whether to prevent the conversion dialog box from appearing the next time that a user opens a version of an Access database that is earlier than Access 2002 or Access 2003 in either Access 2002 or Access 2003. If you set DisableConfDialog=1, the LastModified date of the Access database changes.

0 - do not prevent the conversion dialog box from appearing.

1 - prevent the conversion dialog box from appearing.

The default value is 0.

Do not prevent the conversion dialog box from appearing.

Do not prevent the conversion dialog box from appearing.



Specify the maximum file size in megabytes (MB) that the OMPM File Scanner copies for the collection of Access properties. When collecting Access properties, the OMPM File Scanner makes a copy of the database, which it opens and scans. This preserves the LastModified date for the database. You can use this setting to limit the file size that is copied.


The default value is 0.


When you scan Access databases, you must configure it to a value that is greater than the size of the largest database that you want to scan. You cannot leave this value at 0.
If this results in a timeout during the scan, modify the following settings under [Network]: set RetryCount to 15, and RetryInterval to 1500.

Defaults to 0 MB.

Defaults to 0 MB.



Specify the folder path where the OMPM File Scanner copies Access databases before it scans them.

Drive letter or UNC path.

The default value is null.

Use the folder path that is specified for the TEMP variable in the Windows operating system that is running on your computer.

Use the folder path that is specified for the TEMP variable in the Windows operating system that is running on your computer.


For local scans only (where offscan.exe and offscan.ini are accessed from the same computer), the following properties in Offscan.ini support environment variables: [FoldersToScan], [FoldersToExclude], and [DestinationPath]. For example, you can specify %temp%, which resolves as the location to store temporary files. If the environment variable cannot be resolved due to a misspelling or other reason (for example, if you specified %temps% instead of %temp%), the OMPM File Scanner treats the entry like a folder name and not an environment variable.