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AcceptedDomain members

Represents an SMTP namespace for which an Exchange organization sends and receives e-mail.

The AcceptedDomain type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AcceptedDomain Initializes a new instance of the AcceptedDomain class.



  Name Description
Public property AddressBookEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the domain appears in an address book.
Public property AuthenticationType Indicates how email addresses in the domain are authenticated.
Public property CatchAllRecipientID Gets or sets the SMTP email address of the recipient that receives all email directed to the domain that is not delivered to another recipient.
Public property Default Gets a value that indicates whether the domain is the default domain for the Exchange server.
Public property DomainName Gets or sets the SMTP domain for which the server sends and receives email.
Public property DomainType Identifies the type of domain for which the Exchange server sends and receives email.
Public property DualProvisioningEnabled Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the domain will provision for both on-premise and cloud domains.
Public property EnableNego2Authentication Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the domain will use Negotiated2 authentication.
Public property FederatedOrganizationLink Gets the object identifier for a link to a federated organization.
Public property InitialDomain Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the domain is the initial domain for new accounts.
Public property IsCoexistenceDomain Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the domain is a coexistence domain.
Public property IsDefaultFederatedDomain Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the domain is the default domain for federation requests.
Public property LiveIdInstanceType Gets a value that indicates the type of Microsoft account associated with the domain.
Public property MailFlowPartner Gets or sets an object identifier for another organization that participates in mail flow for this Exchange server.
Public property MatchSubDomains
Public property OutboundOnly Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the domain is used for outbound email only.
Public property PendingFederatedAccountNamespace Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the domain is pending a federation account request.
Public property PendingFederatedDomain Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the domain is pending a domain federation request.
Public property PendingRemoval Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the domain is in the process of being removed.
Public property PerimeterDuplicateDetected Gets a value that indicates whether the domain is duplicated.



  Name Description
Protected method ValidateWrite Validate the instance of the class upon writing to the Active Directory Domain Services. (Overrides ADConfigurationObject.ValidateWrite(List<ValidationError>).)


See also


AcceptedDomain class

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration namespace