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Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Email namespace


  Class Description
Public class Attachment The Attachment type represents an attachment to a EmailMessage object.
Public class AttachmentCollection The AttachmentCollection class represents a collection of Attachment objects.
Public class Body The Body type represents the primary content of an e-mail message.
Public class EmailMessage The EmailMessage class represents an e-mail message.
Public class EmailRecipient The EmailRecipient type represents a single recipient of a EmailMessage class message.
Public class EmailRecipientCollection The EmailRecipientCollection class represents a collection of EmailRecipient objects.


  Structure Description
Public structure AttachmentCollection.Enumerator The AttachmentCollection.Enumerator structure provides properties and methods that enable the enumeration of an instance of the AttachmentCollection class.
Public structure EmailRecipientCollection.Enumerator The EmailRecipientCollection.Enumerator structure provides properties and methods that enable the enumeration of an instance of the RecipientCollection class.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AttachmentType The AttachmentType enumeration indicates whether an attachment is displayed in line with message content.
Public enumeration BodyFormat The BodyFormat enumeration specifies the format for the body of a message.
Public enumeration Importance The Importance enumeration specifies the importance of a message.
Public enumeration MessageSecurityType The MessageSecurityType enumeration specifies the security category for a message.
Public enumeration Priority The Priority enumeration specifies the priority of a message.
Public enumeration Sensitivity The Sensitivity enumeration specifies the sensitivity of a message.