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Troubleshooting Resources

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

In the course of developing speech applications, problems or errors may occur that have no immediately clear resolution. The resources listed below may provide useful information for resolving problems that may arise during the development process.

Speech Technologies Online Troubleshooting Pages

In order to provide users with the most current troubleshooting information available, Microsoft Speech Technologies maintains updated documentation at the following locations:

  1. Speech Application SDK Troubleshooting
  2. Microsoft Speech Server Troubleshooting
  3. Log Analysis Tools Troubleshooting


See the following Microsoft-supported Usenet newsgroups:

  • microsoft.public.netspeechsdk for discussions regarding the Speech Application SDK Version 1.1 (SASDK), Speech Controls, and Speech Application Language Tags (SALT).
  • microsoft.public.speech_tech.sdk for discussions regarding SAPI 5.

Use a newsreader to access newsgroups. Outlook Express, which is included with Microsoft Internet Explorer, contains a newsreader. If needed, download and install Internet Explorer from the Microsoft Internet Explorer Home page.

To configure Outlook Express to read newsgroups

  1. Open Outlook Express and click Set up a Newsgroups account.
  2. Complete the Newsgroups Account wizard by following the on-screen instructions.
  3. When prompted for News Server, enter Because an account name or password is not required, clear the This Server Requires Me To Log On check box.

For more information on Outlook Express Newsreader, see Outlook Express Help.

The following related Web sites may also provide additional information:

Microsoft Speech Technologies — The home page for Microsoft Speech Application Platform technologies

MSS Partners — Start here for information about third-party speech processing components created by select Microsoft partners, partner component interoperability, and using the SASDK or partner tools to develop applications for partner offerings

Speech Application Language Tags (SALT) Forum — Find the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) approved SALT specification and SALT-related news here.

See Also

Debugging Speech Applications | Debugging the Tutorial Application