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Debugging Multimodal Applications

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

The primary tool for debugging multimodal speech applications is the Speech Debugging Console. There are some different approaches to take when debugging Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC (Pocket PC) applications, and applications running on a staging server.

Testing and Debugging Pocket PC Applications

The techniques for testing and debugging Pocket PC applications differ depending on whether an application is in the development environment, or on a staging server. Both scenarios are described in the following sections.

Best practices in deploying .NET applications include deploying to a staging environment as an intermediate step between the development and production environments. For more information, see Deploying .NET Applications: Lifecycle Guide in the MSDN Library.

Debugging in the Development Environment

For Pocket PC applications in the development or staging environments, use Speech Debugging Console as the primary tool to debug and test.

To configure Speech Debugging Console for use with a Pocket PC application

  1. Install Speech Add-in for Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer on the Pocket PC.
  2. On the development computer, open the Start menu.
  3. In the Start menu, click All Programs, click Microsoft Speech Application SDK, click Debugging Tools, and click Speech Debugging Console Configuration.
  4. On the Speech Debugging Console Configuration dialog box, select Show Speech Debugging Console Always.
  5. In the Start menu, click All Programs, click Microsoft Speech Application SDK, click Debugging Tools, and click Speech Debugging Console For Pocket Internet Explorer.
  6. On the Pocket PC, set up an ActiveSync partnership with the development machine, and ensure there is an active connection. Also, since desktop passthrough is not supported for debugging, the Pocket PC must have a wired or wireless network connection.
  7. On the Pocket PC, open the Control Panel, select the Settings tab, select the System tab, click the Speech icon, select the SDK tab, and select Invoke console on TCP port.

For components developed using Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++, use eMbedded Visual C++ debugging tools. These tools are documented in a series of articles in the MSDN Library, beginning at Testing and debugging an application. It is also possible to insert try/catch blocks and message boxes to get more information from the application.

Testing and Debugging Desktop Multimodal Applications

For desktop multimodal applications in the development environment or staging environments, use Speech Debugging Console as the primary tool to debug and test. If needed, add additional code in the form of try/catch blocks and message boxes to extract additional information from the application.

For information on configuring Speech Debugging Console for use with a desktop application, see Configuring Speech Debugging Console.

See Also

Debugging Speech Applications