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Speech Debugging Tools Features

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Speech Debugging Tools consist of the following:

  • Telephony Application Simulator
  • Speech Debugging Console
  • Speech Debugging Console Log Player

These tools enable developers to test and debug both voice-only and multimodal speech-enabled Web applications.

Telephony Application Simulator is a SALT interpreter that enables developers to simulate using a telephony application, including dialogue flow and call management, on a telephony server. Using Speech Debugging Console, developers can inspect an application dialogue that is running on Telephony Application Simulator, Internet Explorer, or Pocket Internet Explorer, and examine the state of the dialogue. The Speech Debugging Console Log Player enables developers to replay individual or multiple debug sessions recorded with Speech Debugging Console.

Highlighted features of the tools are outlined below. For more complete descriptions, see Using Telephony Application Simulator as a Client and Debugging Speech Applications in the Speech Application SDK (SASDK) Help documentation.

Highlighted Features

  • Telephony Simulation
    Telephony Application Simulator is a fully functional telephone call simulator that can simulate keypad input, connected calls, unanswered calls, disconnected calls and busy signals.

  • Visible Server-side Information
    Speech Debugging Console provides information about server-side Speech Controls. This helps the author to directly see the results of authoring decisions on client behavior, and to identify which controls to change on the .aspx page.

  • Replay from File
    When the Speech Debugging Console Log Player is enabled, developers can run debugging session log files created by Speech Debugging Console. These log files record a series of interactions with a speech-enabled Web application. Recorded log files allow developers to apply consistent application input across debugging sessions, locate specific problem points in dialogues, and run automated tests on speech-enabled Web applications.

  • Call Management Debugging
    When running Telephony Application Simulator with Speech Debugging Console, developers can test and debug a variety of call conditions, caller key presses and caller speech input, as well as examine program data output and responses.

  • Speech Debugging Console Support for Pocket PC
    Developers can debug Pocket PC (PPC) speech-enabled application code by running the application on the PPC device, speaking into the device's microphone, and examining the resulting SALT events, status codes, and return values in Speech Debugging Console. A Speech Debugging Console proxy for Pocket PC runs on the PPC device, and relays messages between the Speech Add-in for Microsoft Pocket Internet Explorer and the SASDK Speech Debugging Console running on the desktop computer. The Speech Debugging Console proxy for Pocket PC supports the use of the SALT LogMessage API for sending debug strings to the console.