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Speech Application SDK Installation

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

This document describes how to install, modify, repair, and remove the Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1 (SASDK). The SASDK installer contains all the server components, client components, tools, documentation, and samples that are included in the SASDK. The SASDK must be installed on a workstation or server running ASP.NET Version 1.1. After installation, the computer can run both the server and client components of the Microsoft Speech Application Platform.

Note  Microsoft Enterprise Instrumentation framework must be installed before installing the SASDK. The Enterprise Instrumentation installer is included on the SASDK Version 1.1 CD, and is located in the directory labeled "EnterpriseInstrumentation." See Microsoft Speech Application SDK Requirements for a complete list of installation requirements.

Note  Uninstalling the SASDK does not remove Microsoft updates, Microsoft Enterprise Instrumentation framework, Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, or any of the other prerequisite software listed in the "Software Requirements" section of Microsoft Speech Application SDK Requirements.

Installing the Speech Application SDK

The SASDK has two installation options: Complete and Custom.

  • Complete Installation
    Choose this option to install the entire SASDK, including ASP.NET Speech Controls, Speech Add-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer, debugging tools, log analysis command line tools, core speech components, speech authoring tools, sample applications, and reference documentation.
  • Custom Installation
    Choose this option to enable the user to choose one of two customized installation options. In both cases, Speech Controls, Speech Add-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer, debugging tools, log analysis command line tools, and core speech components are installed by default. The two customized installation options are:
  • Visual Studio .NET 2003 Speech Tools: This option installs the Visual Studio .NET 2003 speech authoring tools.
  • Sample Applications and Documentation: This option installs the sample applications and documentation.

The following table lists the features that are installed with each of the custom installation options.

Feature Visual Studio .NET 2003
Speech Tools
Sample Applications
and Documentation
ASP.NET Speech Controls Yes Yes
Speech Add-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer Yes Yes
Debugging Tools Telephony Application Simulator Speech Debugging Console Speech Debugging Console Log Player Speech Debugging Console for Pocket Internet Explorer Command-line Prompt Builder Command-line Prompt Editor Command-line Grammar Compiler Yes Yes
Log Analysis Command Line Tools MSSContentExtract.exe MSSLogToText.exe MSSUsageReport.exe Yes Yes
Core Speech Components Prompt Engine Speech API (SAPI) Run Time Speech Recognition Engine Text-to-speech Engine Yes Yes
Speech Authoring Tools Speech Control Editor Speech Grammar Editor Speech Prompt Editor Speech Application Wizards Yes No
Sample and Reference Applications No Yes
SDK Reference Documentation No Yes

Note  For greater log analysis capabilities, install the Microsoft Speech Application Log Analysis Tools found in the Redistributable Installers directory on the SASDK Version 1.1 CD.

Custom Installation Issues

The SASDK installer does not set registry entries for the .promptdb, .prproj, .pf, and .grxml speech application file types unless the Visual Studio .NET 2003 Speech Development Tools are installed. As a result, the following issues arise if only the sample applications and documentation are installed:

  1. When opening a Visual Studio .NET 2003 solution file for a sample application containing a prompt database, Visual Studio displays a warning message saying that a .prproj file is not installed.
  2. After rebuilding a sample application from the SASDK that contains prerecorded prompts, the client computer uses synthesized speech (text-to-speech) instead of prerecorded human speech (prompts) when running the application.
  3. All files with the .promptdb, .prproj, .pf, and .grxml extensions are treated as unknown files by the operating system, and appear in explorer windows with the unknown file icon.

Modifying, Repairing, or Removing the SASDK Installation

To modify, repair, or remove the SASDK:

  1. Open Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel.
  2. Select Speech Application SDK Version 1.1, and then click Change. A dialog box appears presenting three options: Modify, Repair, and Remove.
  3. Select one of the following:
  • Modify
         Allows the user to change which SASDK features are installed.
  • Repair
         Attempts to identify and replace corrupt or missing files and registry keys.
  • Remove
         Uninstalls the SASDK from the computer.

User Permissions

Users must have administrative permissions on the target computer in order to install the SASDK and its prerequisite software.

Administrative permissions are not required to run or test ASP.NET Speech applications. Users can run the SASDK on a computer running in either Standard or Restricted modes. All guest accounts on the computer that have access to Visual Studio .NET 2003 or IIS also have access to the SASDK.