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Compiling Grammars

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Create grammar files in either plain text or compiled binary formats. A compiled grammar downloads faster than a plain text grammar file from the Web server, and loads faster into the client computer.

The Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1 (SASDK) creates grammar files in plain text, with a .grxml extension. Compile a .grxml grammar file into binary format using the command-line grammar compiler, SrGSGc.exe, that is installed with the SASDK. If the SASDK is installed in the default location, SrGSGc.exe can be found at:

%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Microsoft Speech Application SDK 1.1\SDKTools\Bin.


  SrGSGc [/O [drive:][path]CFG_OutputFile.cfg] [drive:][path]GRXML_InputFile.grxml
Parameter Definition
CFG_OutputFile.cfg Optional. Specifies the drive, path, and file name of the compiled .cfg output file.
  • If CFG_OutputFile.cfg is specified, the compiler outputs a compiled grammar with that name.
  • If an output file name is not specified, the compiler outputs a file named GRXML_InputFile.cfg.
GRXML_InputFile.grxml Required. Specifies the drive, path, and file name of the .grxml file to compile. The compiler appends the .grxml extension to GRXML_InputFile.grxml by default.

To create a compiled grammar file

  1. On the taskbar, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.1, point to Debugging Tools, and then on the shortcut menu, click Microsoft Speech Application SDK Command Prompt.
  2. Enter the appropriate SrGSGc.exe syntax, and then press ENTER.

After compiling a file, change references to the file so that the application uses the compiled (.cfg) version rather than the plain text (.grxml) version.


A speech application created using the SASDK can use either the plain text or compiled binary format of a grammar file. However, a grammar file is typically compiled only during application deployment, and when development of the grammar file is essentially complete.

The SASDK provides little support for compiled grammar files. For example, Speech Grammar Editor will not load a .cfg file. However, a RuleRef element can point to a rule in a .cfg file.

A grammar compiler that compiles Speech API (SAPI) grammar files is available for download from the Speech Technologies Web site at The SASDK does not support the SAPI compiler.


The following example creates the compiled binary file samplegrammar.cfg from the XML text file samplegrammar.grxml.

srgsgc samplegrammar

The following example creates the compiled binary file newgrammar.cfg from the XML text file samplegrammar.grxml.

srgsgc /o newgrammar.cfg samplegrammar

See Also

Enabling Speech Recognition | Creating Grammars | Grammar Design