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ontimeout Event

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

Occurs when the time specified by the timer attribute elapses while waiting for a message.

HTML <smex.ontimeout="eventHandler">
JScript smex.ontimeout = eventHandler;
Named Script <SCRIPT FOR = smex EVENT = ontimeout>


When the time specified by the timer attribute elapses, the status property is set to -1 indicating that an ontimeout event has occurred.

Although it does not receive properties directly, the event handler can query the status property of the smex element for data about the event.


The following code demonstrates the use of the ontimeout event.

<smex id="mySmex" onreceive="onSmexReceive()" onerror="onSmexError()" ontimeout="onSmexTimeout()" timer="5000"/>
function onSmexTimeout() {
  LogMessage("smex timeout");

See Also

smex Element | status Property |  timer Attribute