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Please see Azure Cognitive Services for Speech documentation for the latest supported speech solutions.

Microsoft Speech Platform


The following methods append null-terminated strings together.

Appends the null-terminated source string to the end of the instance and returns the resulting string.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>WCHAR* Append(</strong> <strong>const WCHAR</strong> *<em>pszSrc</em> <strong>)</strong> </pre>


  • pszSrc
    [in] The null-terminated source string to append.

Appends the null-terminated source string to the end of the instance and returns the resulting string. The size to append is specified.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>WCHAR* Append(</strong> <strong>const WCHAR</strong> *<em>pszSrc</em>, <strong>const ULONG</strong> <em>lenSrc</em> <strong>)</strong> </pre>


  • pszSrc
    [in] The null-terminated source string to append.
  • lenSrc
    [in] Size, in WCHARs, to append.

Appends up to two null-terminated source strings to the end of the instance and returns the resulting string. At least one of the to strings must be non-NULL.

<pre IsFakePre="true" xmlns=""> <strong>WCHAR* Append2(</strong> <strong>const WCHAR</strong> *<em>pszSrc1</em>, <strong>const WCHAR</strong> *<em>pszSrc2</em> <strong>)</strong> </pre>


  • pszSrc1
    [in] The first source string to append.
  • pszSrc2
    [in] The second source string to append.