GetListTemplates Method
The GetListTemplates method of the Webs service returns the collection of list template definitions for the current site.
Return Value
A fragment in Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) in the following form which can be assigned to a System.Xml.XmlNode object:
<ListTemplates xmlns="">
<ListTemplate Name="custlist" DisplayName="Custom List" Type="100" BaseType="0" OnQuickLaunch="TRUE"
SecurityBits="11" Description="Create a custom list when you want to specify your own columns.
The list opens as a Web page and lets you add or edit items one at a time." Image="/_layouts/images/itgen.gif" />
<ListTemplate Name="gridlist" DisplayName="Custom List in Datasheet View" Type="120" BaseType="0"
OnQuickLaunch="TRUE" SecurityBits="11" Description="Create a custom list when you want to specify
your own columns. The list opens in a spreadsheet-like environment for convenient data entry, editing,
and formatting. It requires a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible list datasheet control and ActiveX
control support." Image="/_layouts/images/itdatash.gif" />
<ListTemplate Name="doclib" DisplayName="Document Library" Type="101" BaseType="1"
OnQuickLaunch="TRUE" SecurityBits="11" Description="Create a document library when you have
a collection of documents or other files that you want to share. Document libraries support features such
as sub-folders, file versioning, and check-in/check-out." Image="/_layouts/images/itdl.gif"
DocumentTemplate="101" />
The following code example displays the titles of list definitions whose base type is 0 (in other words, the generic list type).
This example requires that a using (C#) or Imports (Visual Basic .NET) directive be included for the System.Xml namespace.
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Web Reference: http://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/Webs.asmx