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RaiseEvent Method

Notifies Web Parts within a Web Part Page that an event has occurred.

RaiseEvent (NamespaceURN, EventName, EventObject)

NamespaceURN  A string indicating a user-defined namespace that defines a context for resolving event names, object names, and so on.

EventName  A string indicating the name of the event for which Web Parts can register.

EventObject  Optional. A Variant that contains additional data passed to the function registered for this event. Usually this is a reference to the object that triggered the event, for example, the button that fired the onClick event.


The RaiseEvent method works together with the RegisterForEvent method to create a coordinated response among Web Parts.

The NamespaceURN parameter defines the context for the event. For example, you can have multiple onChange events in a single Web Part or Web Part Page. By defining a NamespaceURN, you provide a way to distinguish between onChange events that occur on a Customer object, an Employee object, or some other object.

Examples of valid values include URLs, an object name, or some descriptive name. Valid examples include customer,, and


Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition:

WPSC.RaiseEvent "urn:testchanges", "myEvent", "param"

Microsoft JScript:

WPSC.RaiseEvent("urn:testchanges", "myEvent", "param");


Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

RegisterForEvent Method Applies to: WPSC Object