CSS Class Definitions
Cascading Style Sheets Class Definitions for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services
The classes for cascading style sheets that determine the styles and formatting applied to pages in Microsoft® Windows® SharePoint™ Services are defined in OWS.CSS, which is located in the following directory of each front-end Web server:
Local_Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\STYLES
Warning Changes made to OWS.CSS may be lost when Windows SharePoint Services is updated, such as through installation of service packs or patches. An alternate .css file can be specified in the ONET.XML file of a site definition by using the AlternateCSS attribute of the Project element.
Identifying Applied Classes
Add the following code sample within the BODY element of any ASPX page used in Windows SharePoint Services to identify which class is applied to a specified element in the user interface (UI). When you add the sample, a ToolTip appears when the pointer is passed over the UI, indicating which class is being used.
- For example, you can add the sample to Default.aspx located at:
Local_Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\TEMPLATE\1033\[SPS][STS] - You can also add the sample to an .aspx page used for a list stored in the following directory:
Local_Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\TEMPLATE\1033\[MPS][STS]\LISTS\List_Type - Lastly, you can add it to an ASPX page used in SharePoint Central Administration such as:
Local_Drive:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\TEMPLATE\ADMIN\1033
Once you identify the class in use for a specified UI, you can use the table that follows to customize the styles and formatting in use to suit your own needs.
<script language="jscript">
if (window.event.srcElement.className != null)
stsclass.innerText = window.event.srcElement.className;
stsclass.innerText = "";
window.document.body.onmouseover = ClassInfo;</script>
<div style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px; width: 281px; height: 34px;
position: absolute; left: 286px; top: 41px; z-index:15; padding-left:4px;
padding-right:4px; padding-top:2px; padding-bottom:2px; background-color:#EEEEF4">
<p id="stsclasstitle"><font face="Tahoma" id="stsclasstitle">Classname: </font>
<font face="Tahoma"id="stsclass"> </font>
Defined Classes in OWS.CSS
The following table provides information about the classes that are defined in OWS.CSS.
Selector |
Description |
Example |
body, form |
Sets the
margin of the body or form to 0. |
body |
Sets the
margin of the body to 0. |
.ms-main |
color at the right margin of a page. |
.ms-toolbar |
Text and
gradient in list toolbars. |
table.ms-toolbar |
.ms-rtetoolbarmenu |
Defines the look of the Rich Text Editor. |
.ms-rtetoolbarunsel |
.ms-rtetoolbarsel |
.ms-rtetoolbardis |
a.ms-rtetoolbardis |
.ms-rtetoolbarhov |
.ms-gridT1 |
Type of rating scale used in a question for a survey, such as Low, Average, and High. |
.ms-viewselecta:link, .ms-GRFontSize |
Text for available views displayed in the left navigation area for a list. Font size used for text
in the datasheet control. |
select |
Fonts for
any of the drop-down or checkbox items in in pages
for customizing lists. |
hr |
properties for a horizontal rule. |
.ms-formlabel |
Formats the
names of fields used in forms for creating or editing list items or adjusting
site settings. |
.ms-formlabel style |
.ms-formdescription A |
hyperlinks that appear in descriptions on forms such as "Click here to
test". |
.ms-formdescription hyperlink style |
.ms-formtable .ms-formbody |
Text for
each field in a list item form such as the New Item form for default lists. |
.ms-radiotext |
Text used for radio buttons in a survey. |
One |
.ms-gridtext |
Text for a rating scale style used for a question in a survey. |
.ms-formbody |
Text for
each field in a list item form such as the New Item form for default lists. |
.ms-formbody FONT |
characteristics for the formbody class. |
.ms-formdescription |
Instruction text used for fields in forms. For example, "Enter date in M/D/YYYY format" used in the New Item form. |
.ms-formdescription style |
.ms-searchbox |
form field on the home page. |
.ms-searchform |
.ms-searchcorner |
table.ms-form th |
header for forms. |
sample | ||
table.ms-form td |
for internal use only. Do not alter. |
sample | ||
.ms-formrecurrence |
Text that
describes recurrence patterns. |
.ms-long |
Text in
non-date fields used in forms for creating or editing list items. |
.ms-long style |
.ms-longer |
Used by
the Rich Text Editor. |
.ms-italic |
font. |
.ms-bold |
font. |
.ms-bannerframe, .ms-GRHeaderBackground, .ms-storMeFree |
Background for the banner of the navigation bar at the top of the page. . |
.ms-banner a:link |
White hyperlinked text in the banner of the navigation bar.
Hyperlink text |
.ms-banner a:visited |
.ms-banner, .ms-GRHeaderText |
text in the banner at the top of the page. |
text texttext |
.ms-nav td, .ms-nav .ms-SPZoneLabel, .ms-input |
“Select a View” text in a list page. Input boxes for non-text (currency,
date/time, etc.). |
.ms-nav cell style |
.ms-navth |
Text in
the Quick Launch bar on the home page. |
.ms-nav header cell style
.ms-nav header cell style | ||
.ms-navheader a, .ms-navheadera:link, .ms-navheadera:visited |
Section headings in the Quick Launch bar. |
.ms-navframe, .ms-GRStatusBar |
behind the Quick Launch bar and around the datasheet. |
.ms-storMeUsed, .ms-storMeFilterBar |
Used on
the storage management page. |
.ms-navline |
dividing sections of the left navigation area in list views. |
.ms-navwatermark |
"Quick Launch" text in the Quick Launch bar. |
.ms-selectednav,.ms-GRSortFilter |
Box around the selected view on the list view page.
Used for
a selected column in the datasheet. |
.ms-unselectednav |
Unselected text on the Quick Launch bar. |
.ms-verticaldots |
Graphical separator that appears between the main body and the left margin of the page (no longer used). |
.ms-nav a |
Text in the left navigation
of the Quick Launch bar. For example, "Shared Documents" and
"Tasks". |
.ms-nava:link |
.ms-nava:hover |
.ms-nava:visited |
.ms-titlearea |
Site name
that appears on each page above the page title (by default, "Team Web
Site"). |
.ms-titlearea style |
TD.ms-titleareaframe |
portion of the border at the left margin of the page. |
Div.ms-titleareaframe |
line above the title area of a page. |
.ms-titlearealine, .ms-storMeEstimated |
line below the title and above the list toolbar. Also used on the storage
management page. |
.ms-bodyareaframe |
below the title. |
.ms-pagetitle |
text on each page. |
.ms-pagetitle style |
.ms-pagetitle a |
that appear with title text. |
.ms-pagetitle hyperlink style |
.ms-pagetitlea:hover |
.ms-pagecaption |
above the title for a Web Part Page. |
.ms-selected |
for selected items in the Save or Save As dialog box when
saving to a document library. |
.ms-selected style |
.ms-selected SPAN |
.ms-selectedtitle |
for when the pointer is passed over a list item. |
.ms-unselectedtitle |
for a list item when not selected. |
.ms-menuimagecell |
color of the arrow next to an item title for a context menu. |
.ms-filedialog td |
List of
selected shared documents in the Save or Save As dialog box when
saving to a document library. |
.ms-descriptiontext |
text for a list, or description text on
administration forms and new list forms. |
.ms-dspadapterlist |
for internal use only. Do not alter. |
.ms-alerttext |
messages on form submissions. |
alert text |
.ms-separator |
between the menu items on list toolbars. |
.ms-authoringcontrols |
color on the right side of administration pages. |
.ms-sectionheader |
Text in section headings
on a page. For example, “Administration” on the Site Settings page. |
.ms-sectionheader style |
.ms-sectionheader a |
Section titles
that expand and collapse on the Create View page. |
.ms-sectionheadera:hover |
.ms-sectionheadera:visited |
.ms-sectionline |
lines between page sections. |
.ms-partline |
between list items and the text "Add new item" in a summary
view style as used on the home page. |
.ms-propertysheet |
Text in list or site settings pages. For example, "Go Back to Shared Documents", or the text used under settings, such as "Use a filter to display..." |
.ms-propertysheetth |
.ms-propertysheet a |
.ms-propertysheeta:hover |
.ms-itemheader a |
List and document
library names on the Documents and Lists page. |
.ms-discussiontitle |
for an open discussion item. |
.ms-discussiontitle style |
.ms-vh, .ms-vh2 |
Text in
column headings for lists. |
ms-vh hyperlink style |
.ms-vh2 |
Used for
padding. |
.ms-vh-icon |
Used for icons next to the view headers, such as the icon representing an attachment, or used for spacing when no icon is present. |
.ms-vh-icon-empty |
.ms-vh-left |
.ms-vh-left-icon |
.ms-vh-left-icon-empty |
.ms-vh-right |
.ms-vh-right-icon |
.ms-vh-right-icon-empty |
.ms-vha,.ms-vh a:visited,.ms-vh2 a,.ms-vh-lefta,.ms-vh-right a |
Text in
hyperlinks for column headings of lists. |
.ms-vh hyperlink style |
.ms-vha:hover, .ms-vh2 a:hover, .ms-vh-left a:hover, .ms-vh-right a:hover |
.ms-vhImage |
Used in
header images. |
.ms-gb |
the group-by view headers. |
.ms-gb2 |
the group-by view headers. |
.ms-vb, .ms-vb2, .ms-GRFont, .ms-vb-user |
Text in the body of a view and most other common text. Icon classes that are
used, for example, to indicate attachments. |
.ms-vb a, .ms-vb2 a, .ms-GRStatusTexta,.ms-vb-user a |
.ms-vba:hover, .ms-vb2 a:hover, .ms-vb-user a:hover |
.ms-vba:visited, .ms-vb2 a:visited, .ms-GRStatusTexta:visited, .ms-vb-user a:visited |
.ms-vba:visited:hover, .ms-vb2 a:visited:hover, .ms-vb-user a:visited:hover |
.ms-vb2, .ms-vb-title, .ms-vb-icon,.ms-vb-user |
.ms-vb-icon |
.ms-vb-user |
.ms-vb2 |
.ms-homepagetitle |
Title on
the home page of a Meeting Workspace site. |
a.ms-addnew |
new..." text in the summary view for lists. |
td.ms-addnew |
.ms-error |
Error messages on form submissions. |
.ms-cal |
Border type and font formatting used in day cells of a calendar view. |
8 | ||
.ms-calWeek |
Used in a calendar view.
.ms-vcal |
.ms-Dcal |
.ms-caltop |
Top border
of each day cell in a calendar view. |
.ms-caltop style |
.ms-calhead |
containing the month name and navigation arrows in a calendar view. |
.ms-calhead style |
.ms-calhead a |
.ms-calheada:hover |
.ms-caldow |
Row of cells
containing weekday names in a calendar view. |
.ms-caldow style |
.ms-calmid |
Left and
right borders on each day cell in a calendar view. |
.ms-calmid style |
.ms-CalSpacer |
Spacer that
is used between multiple appointments on the same day in a calendar view. |
.ms-calspacer style |
.ms-CalVSpacer |
used in a calendar view. |
.ms-CalAllDay |
view for all-day events. |
.ms-firstCalHour |
view in which the first cell in the first row contains the time. |
.ms-calHour |
view cell that contains the time. |
.ms-calHalfHour |
view cell that contains half-hour marks. |
.ms-calQuarterHour |
Calendar view cell between hour cells. |
.ms-calbot |
Bottom row that represents an hour, day, or week in a calendar view. |
.ms-appt a |
text for an event that spans multiple days in a calendar view. |
ms.appt hyperlink style |
.ms-appt a:hover |
.ms-appt, .ms-GRCellSelect |
Background, border,
and text for an event that spans multiple days in a calendar view. |
.ms-appt style |
.ms-Dappt |
displayed in a view by day. |
.ms-Vappt |
Appointments displayed in a vertical view by day. |
.ms-Vappt a |
.ms-Vappta:link |
.ms-Vappta:hover |
.ms-apptsingle |
Text for
an appointment that lasts a single day. |
.ms-apptsingle |
.ms-Dapptsingle |
displayed in a view by day with no duration set. |
.ms-Vapptsingle |
Appointments displayed in a view by day with no duration set. |
.ms-Vapptsingle a |
.ms-Vapptsinglea:link |
.ms-Vapptsinglea:hover |
.ms-caldowdown |
Calendar table cell for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or earlier. |
.ms-caldown |
Day of week in calendar for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or earlier. |
.ms-datepickeriframe |
Position of date-chooser pop-up calendar when creating or editing a list item. |
.ms-datepicker |
Date-chooser pop-up calendar when creating or editing a list item. |
.ms-datepicker style |
.ms-dpdow |
Line under weekday names in the date-chooser pop-up calendar when creating or editing a list item. |
.ms-dpdow style
.ms-dpdow style |
.ms-dpday |
Text of date numerals for the current month in the date-chooser popup calendar when creating or editing a list item. |
.ms-dpday style | ||
.ms-dpselectedday |
Text and background of the selected date in the date-chooser pop-up calendar when creating or editing a list item. |
.ms-dpselectedday style |
.ms-dpnonmonth |
Text of date numerals which are not part of the current month in the date-chooser pop-up calendar when creating or editing a list item. |
.ms-dpnonmonth style
.ms-dpnonmonth style | ||
.ms-dphead |
Header containing the month name and navigation arrows in the date-chooser pop-up calendar when creating or editing a list item. |
.ms-dphead style |
.ms-dpnextprev |
Arrows in the date-chooser pop-up calendar for moving from one month to the next or previous month. |
<< | >> | |
.ms-dpfoot |
"Today's date" text and the line above it in the date-chooser pop-up calendar when creating or editing a list item. |
.ms-dpfoot style
.ms-dpfoot style |
IMG.ms-button |
Changes the cursor to a hand when the pointer is passed over buttons. |
.ms-announcementtitle |
Titles in the Announcements list view on the home page. |
.ms-announcementtitle style |
.ms-homepagetitle:Hover |
List title in a list view. For example, the words "Announcements", "Events" and "Links" on the default.htm page. |
.ms-homepagetitle style |
.ms-discussionseparator |
Space between discussion threads. |
.ms-summarytitlebarframe |
Unused |
.ms-summarytitlebara:link |
.ms-summarytitlebara:visited |
.ms-summarytitlebar |
.ms-summarytitlebartitle |
summarytitlebartitle:hover |
img.thumbnail |
Color behind thumbnail in the Picture Preview area of the left navigation area in a picture library. |
tr.ms-imglibselectedrow , tr.ms-highlight |
Color of a row in a picture library when the row is selected in the Selected Pictures view. |
.ms-imglibthumbnail |
for thumbnails in Thumbnails view. Border color should be the same as for img.thumbnail
style. |
span.thumbnail |
for internal use only. Do not alter. |
span.userdata |
.ms-imglibmenuarea |
of the previous and next button in Filmstrip view of a picture library. |
a.ms-imglibPreviewTitle |
for internal use only. Do not alter. |
table.ms-imglibPreviewTable |
.UserShadedRegion |
Shaded areas in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserCaption |
Text areas in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserConfiguration |
Text areas in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserDottedLine |
Dotted lines in Web Parts. |
.UserButton, .UserInput, .UserSelect |
Input boxes in Web Parts. |
Sample Text |
.UserNotification |
Text areas in Web Parts. |
Sample Text |
Spacing for elements on toolbars in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserToolBarTextArea a: link |
.UserToolBarTextArea a: visited |
sample text |
.UserToolBarTextArea a: hover |
sample text |
.UserToolbarDisabledLink |
on toolbars in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserToolbarImage |
sample text |
.UserToolBarImageArea |
sample text |
.UserToolbarSelectedImage |
sample text |
.UserGenericHeader |
Header text in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserGeneric |
Default text in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserGenericBody |
Indented body text in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserGenericText |
Generic text that is used in all Web Parts. |
.UserBackground |
areas in Web Parts. |
.UserSectionTitle |
Form titles in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserSectionHead |
Control labels in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserSectionBody |
Instructional text on controls in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserControlGroup |
Area of form controls in Web Parts. |
.UserSectionFooter |
Area at the bottom of user forms containing dotted line and command buttons. |
.UserFooter |
Area at
the bottom of a form. |
.UserCommandArea |
Command button area at the bottom of a user form. |
.UserToolbar |
Toolbars in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserCellSelected |
Selected cells in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserCell |
Cells in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.UserGenericBulletItem |
Bulleted items in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolPaneFrame |
Background of the tool pane interior in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolPaneBody |
Body of the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolPaneBorder |
Border around the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolPaneHeader |
Header of the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolPaneClose |
around the button for closing the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolPaneTitle |
Title of
the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolPaneFooter |
area of the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolPaneError |
messages that appear in the tool pane of Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolPaneInfo |
messages that appear in the tool pane of Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolPartSpacing |
Spacing between Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-ToolStripSelected |
Hover behavior for the title bar at the top of the tool pane in Web Parts. |
.ms-ToolStrip |
Title bar at the top of the tool pane in Web Parts. |
.ms-TPHeader |
Header of the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-TPBorder |
Border of the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-TPTitle |
Title of the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-TPBody |
Body of the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-TPBodyA:link, .ms-TPBodyA:visited, .ms-TPBodyA:hover |
sample text |
.ms-TPCommands |
Commands on the tool pane in Web Parts. |
.ms-TPInput |
Commands on the tool pane in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-PropGridBuilderButton |
"..." buttons in the tool pane of Web Parts. |
<>... |
.ms-BuilderBackground |
Background of dialog boxes opened through property selections made through the tool pane in Web Parts. |
.ms-SPZone |
of a zone control in Web Part Pages. |
sample text |
.ms-SPZoneSelected |
Borders of a zone control in Web Part Pages when the insertion bar is active inside the zone. |
sample text |
.ms-SPZoneIBar |
Insertion bar in Web Part Pages that shows the zone into which the user is dragging a Web Part. |
.ms-SPZoneLabel |
Label for
a zone in Web Part Pages. |
sample text |
.ms-SPZoneCaption |
Caption for the text inside a zone in Web Parts Pages. |
sample text |
.ms-WPDesign |
Background for design mode in Web Part Pages. |
sample text |
.ms-WPMenu |
around the menu in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-WPTitle |
Title of
a Web Part. |
sample text |
.ms-WPTitleA:link, .ms-WPTitleA:visited |
sample text |
.ms-WPTitleA:hover |
sample text |
.ms-WPSelected |
around a Web Part when the part is selected. |
.ms-WPBody |
Contents of a Web Part. |
sample text |
.ms-WPBody TABLE, .ms-TPBody TABLE |
sample text |
.ms-WPBodyA:link, .ms-WPBodyA:visited |
sample text |
.ms-WPBodyA:hover |
sample text |
.ms-WPBodyth, .ms-TPBodyth |
sample text |
.ms-WPBody TD |
sample text |
.ms-WPBody h1, .ms-TPBody h1 |
sample text |
.ms-WPBody h2, .ms-TPBody h2 |
sample text |
.ms-WPBody h3, .ms-TPBody h3 |
sample text |
.ms-WPBody h4, .ms-TPBody h4 |
sample text |
.ms-WPBody h5, .ms-TPBody h5 |
sample text |
.ms-WPBody h6, .ms-TPBody h6 |
sample text |
.ms-WPBorder |
around a Web Part. |
sample text |
.ms-HoverCellActive |
behavior throughout the UI for when the pointer is passed over a cell. |
sample text |
.ms-HoverCellInActive |
sample text |
.ms-HoverCellActiveDark |
sample text |
sample text |
sample text |
.ms-SPLink |
Text for Modify Page link. |
sample text |
.ms-SPLinkA:link, .ms-SPLinkA:visited |
sample text |
.ms-SPButton |
Font for buttons. |
sample text |
.ms-PartSpacingVertical |
Vertical spacing between Web Parts. |
.ms-PartSpacingHorizontal |
Horizontal spacing between Web Parts. |
.ms-WPHeader |
Background area of the title bar in Web Parts. |
sample text |
.ms-rtApplyBackground |
Classes for the Rich Text Editor. |
.ms-tbButtonMouseOverDown |
.ms-rtRemoveBackground |
.ms-subsmanageheader |
Section headers used on the pages for managing alerts: MySubs.aspx and SiteSubs.aspx. For example, Frequency: Immediate. |
.ms-subsmanagecell |
rows used on the pages for managing alerts: MySubs.aspx
and SiteSubs.aspx. |
.ms-ConnError |
messages related to authoring connections. |
.ms-underline |
for the description, items, and last modified text on the Documents and Lists
page. |
.ms-underlineback |
Same as ms-underline but adds a slight gray to the background that is used for titles on the Documents and Lists page. |
.ms-back |
Background that includes the color gray and spacing. |
.ms-smallheader |
Header used for group names (for example, Document Libraries) on the Documents and Lists page. |
.ms-smallsectionline |
Underline for group names (for example, Document Libraries) on the Documents and Lists page. |
.ms-tabselected |
Tabs in a
Meeting Workspace site. |
.ms-tabinactive |
.ms-tabinactivea:link |
.ms-tabinactivea:hover |
.ms-tabinactivea:visited |
.ms-tabinactivea:hover |
.ms-surveyHBar |
Horizontal rules, horizontal bars, and vertical bars in the chart for rating questions in the Graphical Summary view of surveys. |
.ms-surveyHBarB |
.ms-surveyVBar |
.ms-surveyVBarB |
.ms-surveyVBarBI |
.ms-surveyVBarS |
.ms-surveyVBarT |
.ms-surveyVBarTC |
.ms-surveyHR |
.ms-surveyTotal |
Spacers between verticals bars in the chart for rating questions in the Graphical Summary view of surveys. |
.ms-uploadborder |
Border around the control for uploading multiple files. |
.ms-uploadcontrol |
for selected text in the file list of the control for uploading multiple files. |
.ms-spaceBetContentAndButton |
Reserved for internal use only. Do not alter. |
.ms-ButtonHeightWidth |
.ms-ButtonHeightWidth2 |
.ms-SpaceBetButtons |
.ms-summarycustombody |
.ms-summarystandardbody |
.ms-stylebox |
Classes used in boxed view styles such as Document Details, Issues Boxed, etc. |
.ms-stylelabel |
.ms-styleheader |
.ms-styleheadera:link, .ms-stylebodya:link |
.ms-styleheadera:visited, .ms-stylebodya:visited |
.ms-stylebody |
.ms-styleheadera:hover, .ms-stylebodya:hover |
.ms-alternating |
Background color for the shaded view style. |
.ms-MWSSelectedInstance |
Classes used for the recurrence navigation bar in a Meeting Workspace site. |
.ms-MWSInstantiateda:link, .ms-MWSInstantiateda:visited |
.ms-MWSInstantiateda:hover |
.ms-MWSUninstantiateda:link, .ms-MWSUninstantiateda:visited |
.ms-MWSUninstantiateda:hover |