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PortalSite(Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Topology.TeamSite, String, String, Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Topology.Database, Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Topology.Database, Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Topology.DocumentWorkspace) Constructor

The PortalSite constructor initializes a new instance of the PortalSite class based on the specified TeamSite instance, default application pool, URL, component settings database, profile database, and DocumentWorkspace object. Reserved for internal use only.


teamSite   The TeamSite instance upon which the portal site is based.

applicationName   The value of the DefaultApplicationPoolName property associated with the portal site in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).

url   The URL of the portal site.

serviceDatabase   The Database object to use for the component settings database.

userProfileDatabase   The Database object to use for the profile database.

documentWorkspace A DocumentWorkspace object associated with the portal site.


Reserved for internal use only.


Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Security: Code Access Security