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Como a: adicionar usuários a um grupo

To add multiple users to a group in Windows SharePoint Services, use either the AddUserToGroup method when adding new or existing individual users, or the AddUserCollectionToGroup method when adding a collection of existing users.


Antes de começar, crie um aplicativo do Windows conforme descrito em Guia de Introdução Com programaticamente personalizar uma Web Site SharePoint em Visual Studio. Para obter informações sobre configuração uma referência da Web para um Windows SharePoint Services serviço da Web, consulte Diretrizes de serviço da Web.

Adicionando vários usuários de um site ou subsite

Use o método GetUserCollectionFromSite M:websvcUsersGroups.UserGroup.GetUserCollectionFromSite ou o método GetUserCollectionFromWeb M:websvcUsersGroups.UserGroup.GetUserCollectionFromWeb para retornar todos os usuários de um site. Em seguida, iterar por meio de coleção de usuários e adicionar cada um da um GRUPO especificado usando o AddUserCollectionToGroup método M:websvcUsersGroups.UserGroup.AddUserCollectionToGroup(System.String,System.Xml.XmlNode).

Para adicionar os usuários a um GRUPO um site ou subsite

  1. Depois de criar um projeto de aplicativo Windows e adicionando um referência da Web, aberto Form1 na modo Design, aberto o a Caixa de ferramentas e, em seguida, arrastar um Button botão controle até a forma.

  2. Clique duas vezes o botão para exibir a Code Editor e adicionar o seguinte clique linhas de código para o Click manipulador de eventos:

    'Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service.
    Dim userGroup As New Web_Reference.UserGroup()
    'Authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    'credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache and, 
    'if adding users from a subsite, set the Url property for the 
    userGroup.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
    userGroup.Url = "http://Server_Name/Subsite_Name/_vti_bin/UserGroup.asmx"
    'Declare an XmlNode object and initialize it with the XML response 
    'from either the GetUserCollectionFromWeb method or the 
    'GetUserCollectionFromSite method.
    Dim usersSite As System.Xml.XmlNode = userGroup.GetUserCollectionFromWeb()
    'Declare another XmlNode object and initialize it with the first 
    'child node returned from the previous method.
    Dim userNode As System.Xml.XmlNode = usersSite.FirstChild
    'Pass the first child node and its contents as the XMLNode object 
    'parameter for the method.
    userGroup.AddUserCollectionToGroup("Group_Name", userNode)
    /*Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service.*/
    Web_Reference.UserGroup userGroup = new Web_Reference.UserGroup();
    /*Authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache and, 
    if adding users from a subsite, set the Url property for the 
    userGroup.Credentials = 
    userGroup.Url = 
    /*Declare an XmlNode object and initialize it with the XML response 
    from either the GetUserCollectionFromWeb method or the 
    GetUserCollectionFromSite method*/
    System.Xml.XmlNode usersSite = userGroup.GetUserCollectionFromWeb();
    /*Declare another XmlNode object and initialize it with the first 
    child node returned from the previous method.*/
    System.Xml.XmlNode userNode = usersSite.FirstChild;
    /*Pass the first child node and its contents as the XmlNode object 
    parameter for the method.*/
  3. O menu Debug, clique em iniciar para testar a forma. Clique o botão para adicionar os usuários a GRUPO especificado.

Adicionar um usuário único

Use the AddUserToGroup method to add a new or existing user to a group, and use the GetUserCollectionFromGroup method to return information about all the users in a group.

Para adicionar um único usuário a um GRUPO e exibir os membros GRUPO

  1. Depois de criar um projeto de aplicativo Windows e adicionando um referência da Web, adicionar cinco TextBox controles, um controle rótulo Label e um controle Button do botão para a forma.

  2. Clique duas vezes o botão para exibir a Code Editor e adicionar o seguinte linhas de código para o Click clique em manipulador de eventos.

    'Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service, 
    'and authenticate the current user by passing their default 'credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache.
    Dim userGroup As New Web_Reference.UserGroup()
    userGroup.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
    'Gather data from the text boxes.
    Dim groupName As String = textBox1.Text
    Dim userName As String = textBox2.Text
    Dim userLoginName As String = textBox3.Text
    Dim userEmail As String = textBox4.Text
    Dim userNotes As String = textBox5.Text
    'Add the specified user to the group. 
    userGroup.AddUserToGroup(groupName, userName, userLoginName, userEmail, userNotes)
    'Declare an XmlNode object and initialize it with the 
    'XML response from the GetUserCollectionFromGroup method, 
    'declare a second XmlNode object and initialize it with 
    'the first child of the first node returned, and then 
    'declare and initialize an XmlNodeList object with the 
    'child nodes of the second node.
    Dim usersNode1 As System.Xml.XmlNode = userGroup.GetUserCollectionFromGroup(groupName)
    Dim usersNode2 As System.Xml.XmlNode = usersNode1.FirstChild
    Dim userNodes As System.Xml.XmlNodeList = usersNode2.ChildNodes
    'Iterate through the collection of user nodes and 
    'parse out the Name, LoginName, Email, and Notes 
    'attribute values for each item and 
    'then display the values returned.
    Dim user As System.Xml.XmlNode
    For Each user In  userNodes
       Dim name As String = user.Attributes("Name").Value
       Dim loginName As String = user.Attributes("LoginName").Value
       Dim email As String = user.Attributes("Email").Value
       Dim notes As String = user.Attributes("Notes").Value
       label1.Text += ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Lf + name + " : " + loginName + " : " + email + " : " + notes
    Next user
    /*Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service, 
    and authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache*/
    Web_Reference.UserGroup userGroup = new Web_Reference.UserGroup();
    userGroup.Credentials = 
    /*Gather data from the text boxes.*/
    string groupName = textBox1.Text;
    string userName = textBox2.Text;
    string userLoginName = textBox3.Text;
    string userEmail = textBox4.Text;
    string userNotes = textBox5.Text;
    /*Add the specified user to the group. */
    userGroup.AddUserToGroup(groupName, userName, userLoginName, 
       userEmail, userNotes);
    /*Declare an XmlNode object and initialize it with the XML response 
    from the GetUserCollectionFromGroup method, declare a second XmlNode 
    object and initialize it with the first child of the first node 
    returned, and then declare and initialize an XmlNodeList object with 
    the child nodes of the second node.*/
    System.Xml.XmlNode usersNode1 = 
    System.Xml.XmlNode usersNode2 = usersNode1.FirstChild;
    System.Xml.XmlNodeList userNodes = usersNode2.ChildNodes;
    /*Iterate through the collection of user nodes and parse out the 
    Name, LoginName, Email, and Notes attribute values for each item and 
    then display the values returned.*/
    foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode user in userNodes)
        string name = user.Attributes["Name"].Value;
        string loginName = user.Attributes["LoginName"].Value;
        string email = user.Attributes["Email"].Value;
        string notes = user.Attributes["Notes"].Value;
        label1.Text += "\n\n" + name + " : " + loginName + " : " + email 
            + " : " + notes;
  3. O menu Debug, clique em iniciar para testar a forma. Clique o botão para adicionar o usuário para o GRUPO especificado e exibir os membros GRUPO.

Adicionando usuários de informações em um arquivo XML

Carregar a coleção de dados usuário em um objeto DataSet DataSet e, em seguida, use o método AddUserToGroup M:websvcUsersGroups.UserGroup.AddUserToGroup(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String) para iterar por meio de coleção e adicionar cada usuário para o GRUPO.

Para adicionar usuários a um GRUPO de informações em um arquivo XML

  1. Depois de criar um aplicativo do Windows e adicionando um referência da Web, adicionar um TextBox controle TextBox e um Button controle de botão para a forma.

  2. Clique duas vezes o botão para exibir a Code Editor e adicionar o seguinte linhas de código para o Click clique em manipulador de eventos.

    'Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service, 
    'and authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    'credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache.
    Dim userGroup As New Web_Reference.UserGroup()
    userGroup.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
    'Instantiate a DataSet control, declare and initialize a string 
    'specifying the full path to the XML file to use as a source.
    Dim dataSet As New DataSet()
    Dim xmlPath As String = "Full_Path_To_XML_File"
    'Read the data from the XML file into the dataset object.
    'Declare a variable for the group name typed in the text box.
    Dim groupName As String = textBox1.Text
    'Iterate through each row in the DataSet object, assign their 
    'values to variables for each parameter, and add each user to the 
    'specified group.
    Dim row As DataRow
    For Each row In  dataSet.Tables(0).Rows
       Dim userName As String = row("name").ToString()
       Dim userLoginName As String = row("loginname").ToString()
       Dim userEmail As String = row("email").ToString()
       Dim userNotes As String = row("notes").ToString()
       userGroup.AddUserToGroup(groupName, userName, userLoginName, userEmail, userNotes)
    Next row
    /*Declare and initialize a variable for the UserGroup Web service, 
    and authenticate the current user by passing their default 
    credentials to the Web service from the system credential cache.*/
    Web_Reference.UserGroup userGroup = new Web_Reference.UserGroup();
    userGroup.Credentials = 
    /*Instantiate a DataSet control, declare and initialize a string 
    specifying the full path to the XML file to use as a source.*/
    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
    string xmlPath = "Full_Path_To_XML_File";
    /*Read the data from the XML file into the DataSet object.*/
    /*Declare a variable for the group name typed in the text box.*/
    string groupName = textBox1.Text;
    /*Iterate through each row in the DataSet object, assign their 
    values to variables for each parameter, and add each user to the 
    specified group.*/
    foreach (DataRow row in dataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
        string userName = row["name"].ToString();
        string userLoginName = row["loginname"].ToString();
        string userEmail = row["email"].ToString();
        string userNotes = row["notes"].ToString();
        userGroup.AddUserToGroup(groupName, userName, userLoginName, userEmail, userNotes);
  3. O menu Debug, clique em iniciar para testar a forma. Clique o botão para adicionar o usuário para o GRUPO especificado e exibir os membros GRUPO.