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SPMobileUtility Members

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Provides access to methods and enumerations for working with a mobile Web application.

The SPMobileUtility type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public propertyStatic member DefaultStyleSheetTemplatePath Gets the path for the default mobile style sheet.
Public propertyStatic member MaximumImageSize Gets the maximum size, in Kbytes, of any image that can appear on a mobile page.



  Name Description
Public methodStatic member AppendMobileQueryString Returns the URL with either “?Mobile=1” or “?Mobile=o” appended to the end.
Public methodStatic member AppendSourceQueryString Appends, to the URL of a mobile page, the URL of the page from which the user navigated; that is, the page to which a Back button would navigate.
Public methodStatic member CreateFolderNavigation Creates a link to the contents of a child folder.
Public methodStatic member CreateLogOnSelector
Public methodStatic member EncodeQueryStrings Returns the URL with all query values encoded.
Public methodStatic member GenerateExternalUri Generates an external (outside the firewall) URI for the page in the specified internal URI.
Public methodStatic member GenerateInternalUrl Returns an absolute internal (within the firewall) URL based on the specified URL.
Public methodStatic member GetApplicationPath() Returns the application path for the current mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetApplicationPath(SPWeb) Returns the application path for the specified mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetAppRootDirName() Gets the Web-relative mobile application root directory path.
Public methodStatic member GetAppRootDirName(SPWeb) Obsolete. Gets the Web-relative mobile application root directory path.
Public methodStatic member GetBooleanFieldValue Returns the value of the specified Boolean field.
Public methodStatic member GetClaimsAuthenticationProvider
Public methodStatic member GetDateOptions Returns the date options of the mobile Web application that are associated with the specified context and calendar type.
Public methodStatic member GetDispFormUrl() Returns the URL of the display form (DispForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetDispFormUrl(SPContext) Returns the URL of the display form (DispForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetDispFormUrl(SPView, SPItem, SPContext) Returns the URL of the display form (DispForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetEditFormUrl() Returns the URL of the edit form (EditForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetEditFormUrl(SPContext) Returns the URL of the edit form (EditForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetEditFormUrl(SPView, SPItem, SPContext) Returns the URL of the edit form (EditForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetEllipsisString(String, Int32) Returns a truncated version of the specified string up to the specified length with ellipsis characters appended, or the entire string if it does not exceed the specified length.
Public methodStatic member GetEllipsisString(String, Int32, String) Returns a truncated version of the specified string up to the specified length with ellipsis characters appended, or the entire string if it does not exceed the specified length.
Public methodStatic member GetErrorMessage Returns error message text for the specified HTTP context.
Public methodStatic member GetFirstMobileView Obsolete. Returns the first view in the specified list that applies to a mobile device.
Public methodStatic member GetFormUrl(PAGETYPE) Returns the URL of the specified form in a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetFormUrl(SPContext, PAGETYPE) Returns the URL of the specified form in a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetFormUrl(SPView, SPItem, SPContext, PAGETYPE) Returns the URL of the specified form in a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetIisSettings Gets an object with IIS settings based on the specified HTTP context.
Public methodStatic member GetImageSizeFromUri Gets the size in Kbytes of the image file at the specified path.
Public methodStatic member GetItemId Returns the identifier of the specified data transport item of a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetMobileConfigValue Returns a string version of the configuration value for the specified mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetMobileConfigValueAsInt Returns an integer version of the configuration value for the specified mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetMobileDefaultView Obsolete. Returns the default view for an item in the specified list that applies to a mobile device.
Public methodStatic member GetMobileViewFromList(SPList) Gets the default mobile view of the specified list.
Public methodStatic member GetMobileViewFromList(SPList, SPContext) Gets the default mobile view of the specified list for the specified context.
Public methodStatic member GetNewFormUrl() Returns the URL of the new form (NewForm.aspx) of a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetNewFormUrl(SPContext) Returns the URL of the new form (NewForm.aspx)of a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetNewFormUrl(SPView, SPContext) Returns the URL of the new form (NewForm.aspx)of a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetShortApplicationPath() Returns the abbreviated application path for the current mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetShortApplicationPath(SPWeb) Returns the abbreviated application path for the specified mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetUrlKeyValue Returns a string version of the value associated with the specified URL key.
Public methodStatic member GetUrlKeyValueAsInt Returns an integer version of the value that is associated with the specified URL key.
Public methodStatic member GetValidMobileView Obsolete. Returns the next valid mobile view for the specified list.
Public methodStatic member GetViewUrl(SPList) Returns the URL of the current list view in a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetViewUrl(SPList, SPView) Returns the URL of the specified list view in a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetViewUrl(SPList, SPView, SPFolder) Returns the URL of the specified list view in a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetViewUrl(SPList, SPView, SPContext, SPFolder) Returns the URL of the specified list view in a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetWebConfigValue Returns the site configuration value that is associated with the specified configuration key for a mobile Web application.
Public methodStatic member GetWebPropertyValue Returns the value of the specified Web property.
Public methodStatic member IsFileUploadSupported Returns a value that indicates whether a mobile device can upload files according to the specified capabilities object.
Public methodStatic member IsMobilePageRequest Returns a value that indicates whether the mobile version of the request page should be returned.
Public methodStatic member IsValidField Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified field is valid.
Public methodStatic member IsValidTemplateName Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified template name for a mobile Web application is valid.
Public methodStatic member IsViewExcluded Returns a value that indicates whether the specified view, in the specified context, is not allowed on mobile devices.
Public methodStatic member IsViewFieldExcluded Returns a value that indicates whether the specified field (column) appears in mobile list view.
Public methodStatic member Redirect(String, SPRedirectFlags, HttpContext) Redirects the user to the specified URL, if it is valid.
Public methodStatic member Redirect(String, SPRedirectFlags, HttpContext, String) Redirects the user to the specified URL, if it is valid, with the specified query strings.
Public methodStatic member RemoveWssAuthCookies
Public methodStatic member SetErrorMessage Specifies error message text for the specified HTTP context.
Public methodStatic member SupportsTouchUserInterface Gets a value that indicates whether the mobile device browser supports touch screens.
Public methodStatic member UrlKeyValueDecode Decodes the specified query string from a URL that was encoded with the UrlKeyValueEncode(String) method.
Public methodStatic member UrlKeyValueEncode Encodes the specified query string (key/value pair) as either UTF-8 or Unicode depending on the device capabilities.



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AccessKeyAttrName The attribute name of the access key for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member AllDayEventFieldName The all-day event field name for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member ChtmlId The cHTML identifier for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member ContentsSuffixName The contents suffix name for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member DBCSQueryStringEncodingKey The encoding key of a double-byte character set (DBCS) query string for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member DefaultFileName The default file name of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member DefaultStringName The default string name of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member DeletePageFileName The default page file name of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member DispFormFileName The file name of the display form of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member DocomoId The DoCoMo identifier for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member EditFormFileName The file name of the edit form of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member EndDateFieldName The field name of the end date for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member ErrorPageFileName The file name of the error page for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member EventDateFieldName The field name of the event date for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member EventTypeName The name (not the value) of the event type parameter.
Public fieldStatic member HomePageFileName The file name of the home page of a mobile Web application when the corresponding nonmobile home page is not a wiki-enabled page or a Web Parts page.
Public fieldStatic member HtmlId The HTML identifier of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member InvalidValueString The invalid-value string of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member ItemIdUrlKey The item-identifier URL key of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member JphoneId The Jphone identifier for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member LayoutsDirectoryName The directory name of the layouts for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member ListIdUrlKey The list-identifier URL key of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member LoginPageFileName The file name of the login page for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member LogoutPageFileName The file name of the logout page for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member MobileAppRootDirectoryName The root directory name of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member MobileContextHttpHanderPrefix The prefix of the context HTTP handler for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member MobileErrorHttpHander The HTTP error handler for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member MobilePaginationWeightName The name of the pagination weight for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member MobileRedirectId The redirect identifier of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member NavigationSuffixName The navigation suffix name of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member NewFormFileName The file name of the new form of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member NokiaId The Nokia identifier of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member OpenwaveId The Openwave identifier of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member OperaId The Opera identifier of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member ParentIdFieldName The field name of the parent identifier of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member RecurrenceFieldName The recurrence field name of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member Redirect303Key The Redirect 303 key for a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member RedirectSuffixName The name of the redirect suffix of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member TitleSuffixName The name of the title suffix of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member UrlPrefix The URL prefix of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member ViewFileName The file name of a view in a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member ViewIdUrlKey The URL key of the view identifier in a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member WmlId The WML identifier of a mobile Web application.
Public fieldStatic member XhtmlId The XHTML identifier of a mobile Web application.


See Also


SPMobileUtility Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Namespace