Applies to: apps for SharePoint | SharePoint Server 2010
In this article
Return Value
Applies To
Gets the active sheet.
var value = Ewa.Workbook.getActiveSheet();
Return Value
The Ewa.Workbook.getActiveSheet returns the active sheet in the workbook.
The following code example shows how to add a button to the page and then adds code to the button onClick event that gets a specific range from the active sheet. The code then gets the values within the range and displays them in an alert message.
<script type="text/javascript">
var ewa = null;
// Add event handler for onload event.
if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", ewaOmPageLoad);
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ewaOmPageLoad, false);
// Add event handler for applicationReady event.
function ewaOmPageLoad()
function getEwa()
// Get a reference to the Excel Services Web Part.
ewa = Ewa.EwaControl.getInstances().getItem(0);
function getRangeFromSheetButton()
// Get range "B2:C5" from sheet, "mySheet".
var range = ewa.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet().getRange(1,1,4,2);
// Get values from range.
function getRangeValues(asyncResult)
// Get the value from asyncResult if the asynchronous operation was successful.
if (asyncResult.getCode() == 0)
// Get range from user context.
var range = asyncResult.getUserContext();
// Get the array of range values from asyncResult.
var values = asyncResult.getReturnValue();
// Display range coordinates in A1 notation and associated values.
var output = "Values from range" + range.getAddressA1() + "\n";
output = output + "********\n";
// Loop through the array of range values.
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < values[i].length; j++)
output= output + values[i][j] + '\n';
output = output + "********";
// Display each value in the array returned by getValuesAsync.
alert('Operation failed with error message ' + asyncResult.getDescription() + '.');
<input type="button" id="GetRange" value="Get Range" onclick="getRangeFromSheetButton()" />