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ConsolidatedNewsFeedWebPart Members

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Renders a control that is used to display and track the consolidated activity feeds.

The ConsolidatedNewsFeedWebPart type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ConsolidatedNewsFeedWebPart Initializes a new instance of the ConsolidatedNewsFeedWebPart class.



  Name Description
Protected property ActivityManager Gets the ActivityManager for the current user. (Inherited from NewsFeedWebPartBase.)
Public property MaxItemsToDisplay Gets or sets the maximum number of ActivityEvent objects to display. (Inherited from NewsFeedWebPartBase.)
Protected property ShowUserPicture Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to show user pictures when displaying activity events. (Inherited from NewsFeedWebPartBase.)



  Name Description
Protected method OnInit Handles the Init event. (Inherited from NewsFeedWebPartBase.)
Protected method OnPreRender Handles the PreRender event. (Overrides WebPartLocOnPreRender(Object, EventArgs).)
Protected method RenderWebPart Renders the management links of “My Colleagues”, “My Interests”, and “Newsfeed Settings”, as well as the ActivityEvent objects in the m_EventsCollection. (Overrides NewsFeedWebPartBase.RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter).)
Protected method RequiresWebPartClientScript Indicates whether this Web Part has client-side script to register with the Web Part Page Services Component (WPSC) framework. (Inherited from NewsFeedWebPartBase.)



  Name Description
Protected field m_EventsCollection Represents an ActivityEventsCollection used to manage the ActivityEvent objects that are tracked in the news feed. (Inherited from NewsFeedWebPartBase.)


See Also


ConsolidatedNewsFeedWebPart Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls Namespace