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ColleaguesWebPart Members

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Renders a list of all colleagues a user has shared with other users, and provides an entry point for the profile owner to manage the list of colleagues.

The ColleaguesWebPart type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ColleaguesWebPart Initializes a new instance of the ColleaguesWebPart class.



  Name Description
Protected property ClientRenderFunction Gets the name of the client script function used to display the colleagues a user has shared with other users. (Overrides PeopleRendererWebPartBase.ClientRenderFunction.)
Protected property DivId Gets the client-side identifier (ID) of the DIV that contains the people to be displayed. (Inherited from PeopleRendererWebPartBase.)
Public property MaxRows Gets or sets the maximum number of rows to be displayed on the ColleaguesWebPart.
Protected property NoPeopleMessage Gets the message that will be displayed when there are no shared colleagues. (Overrides PeopleRendererWebPartBase.NoPeopleMessage.)
Public property ShowNames Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the names of the shared colleagues will be shown.



  Name Description
Protected method GetPeople Gets the list of colleagues the user has shared with other users. (Overrides PeopleRendererWebPartBase.GetPeople().)
Protected method OnPreRender Handles the PreRender event. (Overrides PeopleRendererWebPartBase.OnPreRender(EventArgs).)
Protected method RenderWebPart Renders the HTML for the body of the ColleaguesWebPartWebPart to the client. (Overrides PeopleRendererWebPartBase.RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter).)


See Also


ColleaguesWebPart Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls Namespace