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TenantSetHostUrlDialog Members

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Represents a page that is used to configure the URL where the external content type profile pages will be hosted for the current Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service application for the tenant.

The TenantSetHostUrlDialog type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TenantSetHostUrlDialog Initializes a new instance of the TenantSetHostUrlDialog class.



  Name Description
Public property Description Gets or sets the Text value of the DescriptionLabel control.
Public property ProfilePageHostUrl Gets or sets the Text value of the TxtProfilePageHostUrl control.
Public property ProvideUrl Gets or sets the Checked value of the DescriptionLabel control.



  Name Description
Protected method OkButton_Click Handles the Click event of the OkButton control.
Protected method OnInit Handles the Init event. (Overrides UnsecuredLayoutsPageBase.OnInit(EventArgs).)
Protected method OnLoad Handles the Load event. (Overrides LayoutsPageBase.OnLoad(EventArgs).)
Protected method ValidateHostUrl Handles the ServerValidate event of the HostUrlValidator control.



  Name Description
Protected field ChkBoxEnableProfileCreation Represents an InputFormCheckBox that is used to determine whether the profile page is enabled.
Protected field DescriptionLabel Represents a Label that displays instructions on how to configure the external content type profile page host.
Protected field HostUrlValidator Represents an InputFormCustomValidator that is used to validate whether the URL entered for the site hosting the external content profile pages is a valid URL, and whether the hosting site exists.
Protected field OkButton Represents a Button that is used to save the changes made on the TenantSetHostUrlDialog page.
Protected field ProfilePageHostFormSection Represents a InputFormSection that contains the controls used to set the URL of the profile page hosting site.
Protected field ReqProfileHostUrl Represents a InputFormRequiredFieldValidator that is used to validate that the TxtProfilePageHostUrl contains a value. TxtProfilePageHostUrl does not have to contain a value if the ChkBoxEnableProfileCreation is not selected.
Protected field TxtProfilePageHostUrl Represents a TextBox that is used to input the URL of the site that will host the external content type profile pages.


See Also


TenantSetHostUrlDialog Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls Namespace