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SPClaimsAuthRoleProvider Members

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Defines the ASP.NET claims-based role provider integration into the claims-based authentication context.

The SPClaimsAuthRoleProvider type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method SPClaimsAuthRoleProvider Initializes a new instance of the SPClaimsAuthRoleProvider class.



  Name Description
Public property ApplicationName Gets or sets the name of the application for which information is stored or retrieved. (Overrides RoleProvider.ApplicationName.)
Public property Description (Inherited from ProviderBase.)
Public property Name Gets the name of the application. (Overrides ProviderBase.Name.)



  Name Description
Public method AddUsersToRoles Adds the specified user names to the specified roles for the application represented by the ApplicationName property. (Overrides RoleProvider.AddUsersToRoles([], []).)
Public method CreateRole Adds a new role to the data source for the application represented by the ApplicationName property. (Overrides RoleProvider.CreateRole(String).)
Public method DeleteRole Removes a role from the data source for the application represented by the ApplicationName property. (Overrides RoleProvider.DeleteRole(String, Boolean).)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method FindUsersInRole Gets an array of user names in a specified role where the user name matches the specified user name. (Overrides RoleProvider.FindUsersInRole(String, String).)
Public method GetAllRoles Gets a list of the roles for the application represented by the ApplicationName property. (Overrides RoleProvider.GetAllRoles().)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetRolesForUser Gets a list of role names that include the specified user in the application represented by the ApplicationName property. (Overrides RoleProvider.GetRolesForUser(String).)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetUsersInRole(String) Gets the list of users in the specified role for the application represented by the ApplicationName property. (Overrides RoleProvider.GetUsersInRole(String).)
Public method GetUsersInRole(SPWeb, String, Int32, Boolean) Gets a list of the users in the specified role for the application represented by the ApplicationName property.
Public method Initialize Initializes the application with the specified name. (Overrides ProviderBase.Initialize(String, NameValueCollection).)
Public method IsUserInRole Determines whether the specified user is a member of the specified role. (Overrides RoleProvider.IsUserInRole(String, String).)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method RemoveUsersFromRoles Removes the specified users from the specified roles for the application represented by the ApplicationName property. (Overrides RoleProvider.RemoveUsersFromRoles([], []).)
Public method RoleExists This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Overrides RoleProvider.RoleExists(String).)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See Also


SPClaimsAuthRoleProvider Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims Namespace