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GridHeaderItem Members

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Applies to: PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint Server, Enterprise version
Represents a column or row header in a scorecard.

The GridHeaderItem type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method GridHeaderItem() Initializes a new instance of the GridHeaderItem class.
Public method GridHeaderItem(GridHeaderItem) Initializes a new instance of the GridHeaderItem class based on another GridHeaderItem object.
Public method GridHeaderItem(Member) Initializes a new instance of the GridHeaderItem class based on a member.
Public method GridHeaderItem(String, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the GridHeaderItem class with the specified properties.
Public method GridHeaderItem(String, String, String, ScorecardNodeTypes) Initializes a new instance of the GridHeaderItem class with the specified properties, including the header type.



  Name Description
Public property AggregationType Gets or sets the aggregation type.
Public property AppendFilterInfoToHyperlink Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether filter information is appended to the hyperlink.
Public property Banding Gets or sets the optional banding settings to use.
Public property BpmProperties Gets the collection of properties for this header.
Public property CellFormatInfo Gets or sets the format for the cells for this header.
Public property Children Gets the child elements of this header.
Public property CustomSetFormula Gets or sets the custom set formula.
Public property DefinitionGuid Gets or sets the GUID that relates a data header to the definition header.
Public property Depth Gets or sets the depth of the header in the tree.
Public property DescendantSpan Gets or sets the maximum number of header levels for all descendant leaves.
Public property DimensionMember Gets or sets the dimension member that is associated with this header.
Public property DimensionName Gets or sets the dimension name for this header.
Public property DimensionValue Gets or sets the dimension value for this header.
Public property DisplayText Gets or sets the display text for this header.
Public property GroupId Gets or sets the identifier used to identify the members in a member set.
Public property Guid Gets or sets the GUID for this header.
Public property HeaderFormatInfo Gets or sets the format for the header.
Public property HeaderType Gets or sets the type of header.
Public property Hyperlink Gets or sets the hyperlink.
Public property Id Gets or sets the identifier for this header.
Public property IsCellHidden Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether this node cell is hidden.
Public property IsCollapsed Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether this header node is collapsed.
Public property IsColumnHeader Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the header is a column header or a row header.
Public property IsDrillDownDisabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether drill down is disabled on this header node.
Public property IsDrillEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether drill operations are enabled for this header node.
Public property IsDrillUpDisabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether drill up is disabled on this header node.
Public property IsDynamicallyExpandedHeader Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the header node is expanded.
Public property IsDynamicCellExpansionEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether dynamic cell expansion is enabled for this header node.
Public property IsHiddenBasedOnFilterStatus Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether this node is hidden based on the filter status.
Public property IsHierarchyHeader Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the header is part of a hierarchy or a linear list.
Public property IsLeaf Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the header is at the leaf level.
Public property IsNamedSetEmpty Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the named set expression returns an empty set.
Public property IsNamedSetInError Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the named set expression is in error.
Public property IsPathHidden Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the node path is hidden.
Public property KpiTargetName Gets or sets the name of the key performance indicator (KPI) target for this header.
Public property LeafSpan Gets or sets the number of descendant leaves.
Public property LinkedKpiLocation Gets or sets the location of the linked key performance indicator (KPI) in the repository.
Public property NamedSetExpression Gets or sets the named set expression to use in named set expansions.
Public property NamedSetType Gets or sets the type of named set in the header.
Public property OverrideIndicatorLocation Gets or sets the location of the override indicator in the repository.
Public property Parent Gets or sets the parent of this header.
Public property PathHash Gets or sets the path hash.
Public property ResolvedHeaderFormatInfo Gets or sets the resolved format for the header.
Public property Root Gets or sets the root parent of this header.
Public property SerializeTag Gets or sets the serializable, general purpose tag for this header object.
Public property ShowHyperlinkInNewWindow Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the hyperlink opens in a new window or in the same window.
Public property Tag Gets or sets the general purpose tag for this header.
Public property TargetSettings Gets or sets the settings for key performance indicator (KPI) target columns.
Public property TrendIndicatorLocation Gets or sets the location of the trend indicator in the repository.
Public property UseLinkedElementDisplayText Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether to use the name of the linked key performance indicator (KPI) as the display text for the header.
Public property Weight Gets or sets the display value weight.



  Name Description
Public method Clone Performs a deep copy of this object.
Public methodStatic member CreateActualHeader Creates a header of type KpiActual.
Public methodStatic member CreateAggregateHeader Creates a header of type Aggregate.
Public methodStatic member CreateDetailsHeader Creates a header of type ScorecardDetails (additional property).
Public methodStatic member CreateKpiHeader Creates a header of type Kpi.
Public methodStatic member CreateLinksHeader Creates a header of type DocumentLinks.
Public methodStatic member CreateMemberHeader Creates a header of type Member.
Public methodStatic member CreateNamedSetHeader Creates a header of type NamedSet.
Public methodStatic member CreateSetFormulaHeader Creates a header of type NamedSet that uses a specified set expression.
Public methodStatic member CreateTargetHeader Creates a header of type KpiTarget.
Public methodStatic member CreateTimeFormulaHeader Creates a header of type NamedSet that uses a specified time formula.
Public method Diff Compares this object with another object and returns the differences.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAllAncestors Returns a list of ancestor (parent) headers in the tree.
Public method GetAllHeadersInTree Returns a depth-first list of all headers in the tree under this header.
Public method GetAllHeadersInTreeBreadthFirst Returns a breadth-first list of all headers in the tree under this header.
Public method GetAllHeadersWithSameGroupId Returns a list of all the headers that belong to the same group as this header.
Public method GetAllLeafHeadersInTree() Returns a list of all the leaf headers in the tree under this header.
Public method GetAllLeafHeadersInTree(Boolean) Returns a list of all the leaf headers in the tree under this header, excluding hidden headers if specified.
Public method GetAllNonLeafHeadersInTree Returns a list of all the non-leaf headers in the tree under this header.
Public method GetAllSiblings Returns a list of sibling headers in the tree.
Public method GetDocumentLinks Returns the links for a key performance indicator (KPI) header.
Public method GetFirstChildrenNotInGroup Returns the list of child elements that are not in the specified group.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetMeasurePath Returns the path of ancestor headers for this header.
Public method GetOverriddenProperty Returns the overridden BpmProperty object.
Public method GetPath Returns the path to a header in the header tree.
Public method GetRootsFromGroup Returns a list of the root headers that belong to the specified group.
Public method GetSimilarHeadersInTree Returns a list of all the headers that are similar to the current header.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method IsAnyAscendantANamedSet Indicates whether any of the ascendant headers is a named set expression.
Public method IsConsideredLeafHeader Indicates whether the header is considered a leaf header for its group of members.
Public method LinkAndIndexTreeFromRoot Recursively links and indexes the descendants of this root header to their parents.
Public method LinkTreeFromRoot Recursively links the descendants of this root header to their parents.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member PathToString Converts the specified cell coordinates to a string.
Public method SetNodeExpansion Sets the expansion flag for all elements in the tree.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Validate Validates this object.



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member PropertyId_KpiGroupId Gets or sets the property identifier for the key performance indicator (KPI) group identifier.


See Also


GridHeaderItem Class

Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards Namespace