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Recordset.PercentPosition Property (DAO)

Sets or returns a value indicating the approximate location of the current record in the Recordset object based on a percentage of the records in the Recordset.


expression .PercentPosition

expression A variable that represents a Recordset object.


To indicate or change the approximate position of the current record in a Recordset object, you can check or set the PercentPosition property. When working with a dynaset- or snapshot-type Recordset object opened directly from a base table, first populate the Recordset object by moving to the last record before you set or check the PercentPosition property. If you use the PercentPosition property before fully populating the Recordset object, the amount of movement is relative to the number of records accessed as indicated by the RecordCount property setting. You can move to the last record by using the MoveLast method.


Using the PercentPosition property to move the current record to a specific record in a Recordset object isn't recommended?the Bookmark property is better suited for this task.

Once you set the PercentPosition property to a value, the record at the approximate position corresponding to that value becomes current, and the PercentPosition property is reset to a value that reflects the approximate position of the current record. For example, if your Recordset object contains only five records, and you set its PercentPosition property value to 77, the value returned from the PercentPosition property may be 80, not 77.

The PercentPosition property applies to all types of Recordset objects except for forward–only–type Recordset objects or Recordset objects opened from pass-through queries against remote databases.

You can use the PercentPosition property with a scroll bar on a form or text box to indicate the location of the current record in a Recordset object.


This example uses the PercentPosition property to show the position of the current record pointer relative to the beginning of the Recordset.

Sub PercentPositionX() 
 Dim dbsNorthwind As Database 
 Dim rstProducts As Recordset 
 Dim strFind As String 
 Dim strMessage As String 
 Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb") 
 ' PercentPosition only works with dynasets or snapshots. 
 Set rstProducts = dbsNorthwind.OpenRecordset( _ 
 "SELECT ProductName FROM Products " & _ 
 "ORDER BY ProductName", dbOpenSnapshot) 
 With rstProducts 
 ' Populate the Recordset. 
 Do While True 
 ' Show current record information and ask user 
 ' for input. 
 strMessage = "Product: " & !ProductName & vbCr & _ 
 "The record pointer is " & _ 
 Format(.PercentPosition, "##0.0") & _ 
 "% from the " & vbCr & _ 
 "beginning of the Recordset." & vbCr & _ 
 "Please enter a character search string " & _ 
 "for a product name." 
 strFind = Trim(InputBox(strMessage)) 
 If strFind = "" Then Exit Do 
 ' Try to find a record matching the search string. 
 .FindFirst "ProductName >= '" & strFind & "'" 
 If .NoMatch Then .MoveLast 
 End With 
End Sub