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Report.RecordSource Property (Access)

You can use the RecordSource property to specify the source of the data for a report. Read/write String.


expression .RecordSource

expression A variable that represents a Report object.


The RecordSource property setting can be a table name, a query name, or an SQL statement. For example, you can use the following settings.

Sample setting



A table name specifying the Employees table as the source of data.

SELECT Orders!OrderDate FROM Orders;

An SQL statement specifying the OrderDate field on the Orders table as the source of data. You can bind a control on the form or report to the OrderDate field in the Orders table by setting the control's ControlSource property to OrderDate.


Changing the record source of an open form or report causes an automatic requery of the underlying data. If a form's Recordset property is set at runtime, the form's RecordSource property is updated.

After you have created a form or report, you can change its source of data by changing the RecordSource property. The RecordSource property is also useful if you want to create a reusable form or report. For example, you could create a form that incorporates a standard design, then copy the form and change the RecordSource property to display data from a different table, query, or SQL statement.


The following example sets a form's RecordSource property to the Customers table:

Forms!frmCustomers.RecordSource = "Customers"

The next example changes a form's record source to a single record in the Customers table, depending on the company name selected in the cmboCompanyName combo box control. The combo box is filled by an SQL statement that returns the customer ID (in the bound column) and the company name. The CustomerID has a Text data type.

Sub cmboCompanyName_AfterUpdate() 
    Dim strNewRecord As String 
    strNewRecord = "SELECT * FROM Customers " _ 
        & " WHERE CustomerID = '" _ 
        & Me!cmboCompanyName.Value & "'" 
    Me.RecordSource = strNewRecord 
End Sub

The following example shows how to use a Structured Query Language (SQL) statement to establish the data source of a report as it is opened.

Sample code provided by: Access 2010 Programmers Reference book cover The Microsoft Access 2010 Programmer’s Reference | About the Contributors

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)

    On Error GoTo Error_Handler

    Me.Caption = “My Application”

    DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:=”frmReportSelector_MemberList”, _

    ‘Cancel the report if “cancel” was selected on the dialog form.

    If Forms!frmReportSelector_MemberList!txtContinue = “no” Then
        Cancel = True
        GoTo Exit_Procedure
    End If
    Me.RecordSource = ReplaceWhereClause(Me.RecordSource, _

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Number & “: “ & Err.Description
    Resume Exit_Procedure

End Sub

About the Contributors

Wrox Press is driven by the Programmer to Programmer philosophy. Wrox books are written by programmers for programmers, and the Wrox brand means authoritative solutions to real-world programming problems.

See Also


Report Object Members

Report Object