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ComplexScriptSize Cell (Character Section)

The size of the font used to format text composed of complex script characters.


Complex script font sizes are listed on the Font tab in the Text dialog box (click the arrow in the Font group on the Home tab). This list appears only if you have added a language that contains Asian or complex script characters, in the Microsoft Office Language Preferences dialog box. (Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft Office, click Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Office Language Preferences.

You can enter this value as an explicit point size or as a percentage. If you specify a percentage, the value is based on the value in the Size cell. A default value of 0 (zero) means 100%.

To get a reference to the ComplexScriptSize cell by name from another formula, or from a program by using the CellsU property, use:

Cell name:

where i = <1>, 2, 3...

To get a reference to the ComplexScriptSize cell by index from a program, use the CellsSRC property with the following arguments:

Section index:


Row index:

visRowCharacter + i
where i = 0, 1, 2...

Cell index:
