Document.SnapSettings Property (Visio)
Determines the objects that shapes snap to when snap is active in the document. Read/write.
Version Information
Version Added: Visio 2002
expression .SnapSettings
expression A variable that represents a Document object.
Return Value
The value of the SnapSettings property is equivalent to selecting check boxes under Snap to on the General tab of the Snap & Glue dialog box (click the Visual Aids arrow on the View tab).
The SnapSettings property can be any combination of the following VisSnapSettings constants, which are declared in the Visio type library.
Constant |
Value |
Description |
visSnapToNone |
&H0 |
Snap to nothing. |
visSnapToRulerSubdivisions |
&H1 |
Snap to tick marks on the ruler. |
visSnapToGrid |
&H2 |
Snap to the grid. |
visSnapToGuides |
&H4 |
Snap to guides. |
visSnapToHandles |
&H8 |
Snap to selection handles. |
visSnapToVertices |
&H10 |
Snap to vertices. |
visSnapToConnectionPoints |
&H20 |
Snap to connection points. |
visSnapToGeometry |
&H100 |
Snap to the visible edges of shapes. |
visSnapToAlignmentBox |
&H200 |
Snap to the alignment box. |
visSnapToExtensions |
&H400 |
Snap to shape extensions options. |
visSnapToDisabled |
&H8000 |
Disable snap. |
visSnapToIntersections |
&H10000 |
Snap to intersections. |