Ask Cell (Shape Data Section)
Determines whether a user is queried to enter shape data for a shape when an instance is created or the shape is duplicated or copied.
Value |
Description |
Ask user to enter shape data in the Define Shape Data dialog box. |
Do not ask user to enter data. |
The value in this cell corresponds to the Ask on drop check box in the Define Shape Data dialog box (right-click the shape, point to Data, and then click Define Shape Data).
To get a reference to the Ask cell by name from another formula, or from a program by using the CellsU property, use:
Cell name: | |
To get a reference to the Ask cell by index from a program, use the CellsSRC property with the following arguments:
Section index: |
visSectionProp |
Row index: |
visRowProp + i |
Cell index: |
visCustPropsAsk |