Format Cell (Text Fields Section)
Specifies the formatting of a text field that is a string, a number, a date or time, a duration, or a currency.
If the value of the Type cell is 0, 2, 5, 6, or 7 (string, number, date or time, duration, or currency, respectively), specify a format picture appropriate for the data type. For example, the format picture "# #/4 UU" formats the number 12.43 in. as 12 2/4 INCHES. For more information about specifying a format picture, see About format pictures.
A number (Type = 2) can represent a dimension, scalar, angle, date, time, or currency. To ensure that an input number is always evaluated as a date, time, or currency, use the DATETIME or CY function in the Format cell instead of a format picture.
To get a reference to the Format cell by name from another formula, or from a program using the CellsU property, use:
Cell name: |
Fields.Format[i] |
To get a reference to the Format cell by index from a program, use the CellsSRC property with the following arguments:
Section index: |
visSectionTextField |
Row index: |
visRowField + i |
Cell index: |
visFieldFormat |